UserForm_Terminate problem



Can anyone explain to me why, when I run the code below by clicking on my
Cancel Button or the Red X on my Userform every thing works fine, but the
next time the UserForm is called clicking on the Cancel Button or the Red X
nothing happens. The UserForm does not close nor does the rest of the code
run. For that matter nothing on the UserForm works (there are other
CommandButtons with code attached to them).

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()

Unload EmployeeList

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
msgbox "QueryClose"
Unload EmployeeList

End Sub


I think I can tell you what happens. Not sure if it will help solv
the problem.

When you open a Userform you initialize a Class which also adds event
to the windows event table for the class like an Terminate event. i
you don't override an event the standard event handler is called.

You created an overide event for the Terminate Event which is not doin
everything the standard terminate normally does. I think you have t
call the standard Terminate event after your terminate event finishes.

I think I found the problem. You named your Terminate function th
same name as the default terminate function and destroyed the defaul
terminate. Your terminate function name should be the name of th
userform like this

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
Private Sub UserForm1_Terminate()

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