UserForms - How do I get them to work?



I've created a multipage userform using the design toolbox, linked th
controlsources to a hidden spreadsheet and now I want to add a butto
which will call the userform and enable the user to, well, use it.

I haven't a clue how to do it though.

I'm also having trouble with the buttons on the form, I want one whic
will exit and not save changes, another which will gather the info an
write it to a series of cells, and one which will do that and the
clear the form ready for another entry. I can write the rest of th
code, it's just linking the 'cancel', 'finish' and 'next' buttons t
something that works and getting the form to appear.



Ahh... I've been very silly. I didn't initialise it or do any of th
things you should be doing... I mistook the skin for the code.

Let this be a warning to people, think before you ask :D


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