Even though I am a beginner, my boss seems to think I am capable o
advanced programming. I am trying to create some macros/forms in Wor
that were originally in WP for one of our clients. I have already don
a lot of research and am well aware that there is no way to conver
pretty much anything from WP to Word so I am starting from basicall
scratch. I am not here to complain about Word, just need help tryin
to create this form (this is the easiest one, so you will probably b
hearing a lot more from me). Ok so I've got a template with bookmark
and I am trying to create a dialog box (userform, I think) which i
associated with the bookmarks. The dialog box has some text boxes bu
it also has radio buttons, and list boxes and text boxes in case the
dont want whats in the list box, and check boxes with text boxes tha
enter the text if the check box is checked...ok you get the point.
So the document which directed me to this poin
(http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Userforms/CreateAUserForm.htm) only explain
how to use text boxes and then a command button that holds all the cod
(I think)...
How do I associate each radio button/list box/checkbox/text box ec
with the correct bookmark and at the same time I would like to us
if/then...I think...like if they select ABC in the list box then a
this bookmark it says "ABC company" (return) "Philadelphia, PA
(return) "(e-mail address removed)"
Sorry if this is a complete waste of time...I should probably just ge
a VBA for dummies book...but I think I'm catching on...
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Even though I am a beginner, my boss seems to think I am capable o
advanced programming. I am trying to create some macros/forms in Wor
that were originally in WP for one of our clients. I have already don
a lot of research and am well aware that there is no way to conver
pretty much anything from WP to Word so I am starting from basicall
scratch. I am not here to complain about Word, just need help tryin
to create this form (this is the easiest one, so you will probably b
hearing a lot more from me). Ok so I've got a template with bookmark
and I am trying to create a dialog box (userform, I think) which i
associated with the bookmarks. The dialog box has some text boxes bu
it also has radio buttons, and list boxes and text boxes in case the
dont want whats in the list box, and check boxes with text boxes tha
enter the text if the check box is checked...ok you get the point.
So the document which directed me to this poin
(http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Userforms/CreateAUserForm.htm) only explain
how to use text boxes and then a command button that holds all the cod
(I think)...
How do I associate each radio button/list box/checkbox/text box ec
with the correct bookmark and at the same time I would like to us
if/then...I think...like if they select ABC in the list box then a
this bookmark it says "ABC company" (return) "Philadelphia, PA
(return) "(e-mail address removed)"
Sorry if this is a complete waste of time...I should probably just ge
a VBA for dummies book...but I think I'm catching on...
Any help is greatly appreciated.