Users cannot access tasks or projects view


Jim Crawford

We are running project server and it's assocciated bits and pieces on a
single server. All users are server authenticated. Users typically sign on
to thier machines locally and do not sign into the domain the project server
is in. Worked fine until a few days ago... something has changed. Now users
sign on to the server with their project server id and password and their
home page comes up as always. But now If they click on the projects or tasks
tabs... they are prompted for domain credentials ! Which are rejected by the
server.... ! whole system has ground to a halt. Users can't enter actuals...
managers can't process updates .... AAARRRRGGGG!
Anyone seen anything like this? Any ideas where to start looking?

Jim Crawford

Sudden changes absolutely have causes ... the question we're trying to
resolve is .... what changed??? This is unfortunately a very large place. So
the number of people who could have changed something is large ... Our IT
folks are going back over thier changes to try figure out who changed what
and which change could be causing the problem... They aren't finding much ...
could even be somepiece of automation changed a password or some other change
from a non human source ... needle in a haystack.
There are errors in the application error log. I've been unable to find a
useful reference to the error shown below. But this is what is showing up...

Component: PjSvrUtl
File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\server\pjsvrutl\PjENAgent.cpp
Line: 524
Error Number: 0x8004020e
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjsmtpemail.cpp
Line: 392
Error Number: 0x8004020e
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The server rejected the sender address.
The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Access denied

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

The errors indicate an issue with email notifications. Not much help. Is
there anyone unaffected by this? Any desktop pushes or security updates
pushed just prior?


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

For Project Server FAQs visit

For Project FAQs visit

Jim Crawford said:
Sudden changes absolutely have causes ... the question we're trying to
resolve is .... what changed??? This is unfortunately a very large place.
the number of people who could have changed something is large ... Our IT
folks are going back over thier changes to try figure out who changed what
and which change could be causing the problem... They aren't finding much
could even be somepiece of automation changed a password or some other
from a non human source ... needle in a haystack.
There are errors in the application error log. I've been unable to find a
useful reference to the error shown below. But this is what is showing

Component: PjSvrUtl
File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\server\pjsvrutl\PjENAgent.cpp
Line: 524
Error Number: 0x8004020e
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjsmtpemail.cpp
Line: 392
Error Number: 0x8004020e
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The server rejected the sender address.
The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Access denied

Gary L. Chefetz said:

Sudden changes have causes. Who changed what on the server or network? Do
you see any errors in the application event log that might give us some


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

For Project Server FAQs visit

For Project FAQs visit


Hi, I'm having the exact same problem. No security updates done prior -- I
started getting the PjSvrUtl errors as well, and I am no longer able to get
email notifications for any resource that has been assigned a new task. I
have made sure that it is pointing towards the right server and port and
using an accepted email address for Exchange, but still no luck.

I even went so far as to telnet from the project server into port 25 of our
Exchange server and do a 'helo-data' test to see if I could send mail ok as
that account, and I can. I am completely baffled. Do you have any secondary

Also, I don't know if this is related or not, but I am also seeing the
following errors:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MbfQueuedWorkItemService
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 7/20/2005
Time: 5:32:32 PM
User: N/A
The Microsoft Business Framework must be started using

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


There are hundreds of those flooding the logs also right now. Any



Gary L. Chefetz said:
The errors indicate an issue with email notifications. Not much help. Is
there anyone unaffected by this? Any desktop pushes or security updates
pushed just prior?

Jim Crawford said:
Sudden changes absolutely have causes ... the question we're trying to
resolve is .... what changed??? This is unfortunately a very large place.
the number of people who could have changed something is large ... Our IT
folks are going back over thier changes to try figure out who changed what
and which change could be causing the problem... They aren't finding much
could even be somepiece of automation changed a password or some other
from a non human source ... needle in a haystack.
There are errors in the application error log. I've been unable to find a
useful reference to the error shown below. But this is what is showing

Component: PjSvrUtl
File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\server\pjsvrutl\PjENAgent.cpp
Line: 524
Error Number: 0x8004020e
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjsmtpemail.cpp
Line: 392
Error Number: 0x8004020e
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The server rejected the sender address.
The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Access denied

Gary L. Chefetz said:

Sudden changes have causes. Who changed what on the server or network? Do
you see any errors in the application event log that might give us some

We are running project server and it's assocciated bits and pieces on a
single server. All users are server authenticated. Users typically
to thier machines locally and do not sign into the domain the project
is in. Worked fine until a few days ago... something has changed. Now
sign on to the server with their project server id and password and
home page comes up as always. But now If they click on the projects or
tabs... they are prompted for domain credentials ! Which are rejected
server.... ! whole system has ground to a halt. Users can't enter
managers can't process updates .... AAARRRRGGGG!
Anyone seen anything like this? Any ideas where to start looking?

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