Users missing from Advanced Permissions after TM Group Update


Michelle H

I have noticed that each time the Team Members security group is updated,
users associated to that group get removed from the Site Settings > Advanced
Permissions list of users. It is a seemingly random bunch of users that get
removed. And as we add more users to the system, the amount of users that
are removed from Advanced Permissions seems to grow when an update is applied.

I have noticed that I do receive an error for the group synchronization. It
never completes. This definitely seems to be a contributing factor. Is this
happening because I am logged in using my personal user account (associated
to the team member group) when I make the group change, and not as the
Project Server Administrator account?

Also, is this possible to prevent from occurring in the future?
If yes, how?
If it is not, is there an easier way to get the users added back to the
Advanced Permissions list aside from opening and saving each individual user?
Is so, this would save me hours of work.

Jonathan Sofer [MVP]

Hi Michelle,

When you update a security group in PWA>Server Settings>Manage>Groups you
initiate a User Synchronization security job in the queue. This job first
removes all the users that are referenced in the security group from all
locations on all workspaces in the system. Once the users are all removed,
the job starts re-adding the users in alphabetical order to the appropriate
workspaces based on the PWA>SharePoint security integration model.

I have found that if the security group has a lot of users in it, the job
tends to fail in the middle. If the jobs fails in the middle this would
explain why you see only a partial list of your users back in Site
Settings>Advanced Permissions.

I do not know the solution but I would first recommend making sure you are
up to date on the service pack and cumulative updates for Project Server

Hope this helps explain things a little bit,

Jonathan Sofer

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