I'd like to use the "0/100" rule, whereby a task is considered to be either 0
percent complete or 100 percent complete, but nothing in between. I know this
can be set (somewhat) in Tracking, but I'd like to use this rule and not have
it affect SPI negatively. So, for example, if a task takes 10 days to
complete, and I'm using the 0/100 rule, and we're at day 4 of this 10 day
duration, I don't want the SPI to say that we're 4 days behind schedule
because the task is 0 percent complete. I don't want SPI calculated until the
Finish date, at which time the task is (presumably) 100 percent complete.
Is there a way to get Project to do this? (I'm using Project 2003, if that
makes a difference).
percent complete or 100 percent complete, but nothing in between. I know this
can be set (somewhat) in Tracking, but I'd like to use this rule and not have
it affect SPI negatively. So, for example, if a task takes 10 days to
complete, and I'm using the 0/100 rule, and we're at day 4 of this 10 day
duration, I don't want the SPI to say that we're 4 days behind schedule
because the task is 0 percent complete. I don't want SPI calculated until the
Finish date, at which time the task is (presumably) 100 percent complete.
Is there a way to get Project to do this? (I'm using Project 2003, if that
makes a difference).