Using 2 Queries for One Report


Tricia Young

I have two Queries 1)Assets Used and 2)Assets Not Used. I need to created a
report that will calculate the following:

Asset Used

Asset 1 Asset 2 Asset 3 Total Used Total Assets
NE 5 16 4 25
NW 6 48 5 59
Total 24 117 25 166

I really only need the total Unused Assets for each sales area from the 2nd

I used cross tab queries to get the count of the number of assets in the
areas. The created a select query from there.

I am sure there is an easier way. Can I used two queries for one report? Or
should I use Main Report/Subreport? How do I accomplished the end result?


while one can definitely have calculated values on Reports - - in general
Reports are just a display vehicle for a Query or Table...

you can't really build a Report off of multiple objects
(Queries/tables)...but you can manipulate these objects before hand to
assemble the data that you want to display.

you can run multiple queries and build a table via MakeTable or AppendTable
queries so that this table has what you need from which to then use as the
source for the Report....

hope this helps

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