Using 7 check boxes to select a day (one field)



I have a table with two fields EmplNbr and DayOff. I would like to
use a form which shows all employees on a crew followed by seven
checkboxes, one for each day of the week. From this form the Foreman
can see and change the employees regular days off. I can't figure out
how to get the information representated by the checkboxes into the
table. It would be a simple matter to have a table with emplnbr and
seven fields for each day of the week but this is sloppy and I really
want to do it right.

Thanks for the help. I see Maurice is browsing the area - hope you
are keeping warm in Ontario.

Howard Brody

Add a locked TextBox after the CheckBoxes and bind that to
the DayOff field. Put your seven CheckBoxes within an
OptionGroup and update the TextBox anytime the day off is

Private Sub optDayOff_Change()
Select Case OptDayOff
Case 1
[txtDayOff] = "Sunday"
Case 2
[txtDayOff] = "Monday"
And So On...
End Select
End Sub

If you're uncomfortable with VBA code, you can do the same
thing with a macro using conditions and the SetValue

Hope this helps!

Howard Brody

Scott McDaniel

Use an Option Group with the .ControlSource set to DayOff ... assuming
DayOff is a numeric field (which it should be) ...


Hi Steve

I think you should use 8 fields, one for your employee number and one for each
day of the week that you can simply check off as required It will make your
life a lot easier.

Thanks for the cold weather reminder. Right now it's -18 and the forecast is
for -29 tonight. (Brass monkey warning!)

Best regards


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