using a barcode scanner to validate numbers



I have a barcode scanner system and I would like to use it to validate event tickets (barcoded) as people com
in the door. Since each ticket would have a unique value represented by a barcode, I could pre-load the authorized
ticket numbers to either Excel or Access and check against these values as they are scanned
My question is, how could I validate the numbers by doing a lookup in that column and ideally I would like to inser
a value or something that would disallow that same code to be validated a second time

Any help would be greatly appreciated



Thomas Lutz

The following URL points to a sample bar code inventory type program
for Excel that uses a dialog box to input bar code data and then
perform a lookup in a worksheet to find data that already exists.

You should be able to modify the code in the above spreadsheet sample
to work the way that you require.

For more bar code tips, tricks and tools, please visit

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