Using a combo box to search for a record - error message


Bob Matthews

Hi all

I am using Access 2007.

My Table named Debtors has the following field

Surname as a Text field

My RowSource is :-

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Debtors].[Surname] FROM Debtors ORDER BY [Surname];

My After Update Event Procedure is :-

Private Sub Combo76_AfterUpdate()

DoCmd.FindRecord Me!Combo76

Me!Combo76.Value = ""

End Sub

and I get the following error message.................

Run-time error '2465'
Access can't find the field 'txtSurname'

Where have I gone wrong?


John W. Vinson

Hi all

I am using Access 2007.

My Table named Debtors has the following field

Surname as a Text field

My RowSource is :-

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Debtors].[Surname] FROM Debtors ORDER BY [Surname];

My After Update Event Procedure is :-

Private Sub Combo76_AfterUpdate()

DoCmd.FindRecord Me!Combo76

Me!Combo76.Value = ""

End Sub

and I get the following error message.................

Run-time error '2465'
Access can't find the field 'txtSurname'

Where have I gone wrong?

I would guess that the name of the field in the table is Surname, not

Why not just use the builtin combo box toolbox wizard, to create a combo box
"Use this combo to find records"? If you want to find all records for a
surname, e.g. Bill Jones' debts, David Jones, Mary Jones, Zachary Jones, you
could change the AfterUpdate event to

Private Sub Combo76_AfterUpdate() ' you *could* give the combo a real name
Me.Filter = "[Surname] = """ & Me!Combo76 & """"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

Bob Matthews

Thank you John

I cut and pasted your suggested After Update Event vode in...............

The combo box will not accept any input
If you drop it down - you see the firs 16 entries from the table
But selecting any record does not update the form ????


John W. Vinson said:
Hi all

I am using Access 2007.

My Table named Debtors has the following field

Surname as a Text field

My RowSource is :-

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Debtors].[Surname] FROM Debtors ORDER BY [Surname];

My After Update Event Procedure is :-

Private Sub Combo76_AfterUpdate()

DoCmd.FindRecord Me!Combo76

Me!Combo76.Value = ""

End Sub

and I get the following error message.................

Run-time error '2465'
Access can't find the field 'txtSurname'

Where have I gone wrong?

I would guess that the name of the field in the table is Surname, not

Why not just use the builtin combo box toolbox wizard, to create a combo
"Use this combo to find records"? If you want to find all records for a
surname, e.g. Bill Jones' debts, David Jones, Mary Jones, Zachary Jones,
could change the AfterUpdate event to

Private Sub Combo76_AfterUpdate() ' you *could* give the combo a real
Me.Filter = "[Surname] = """ & Me!Combo76 & """"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

John W. Vinson

Thank you John

I cut and pasted your suggested After Update Event vode in...............

The combo box will not accept any input
If you drop it down - you see the firs 16 entries from the table
But selecting any record does not update the form ????

The combo box should be unbound - nothing in its Control Source.

Could you post the RowSource (the SQL) and your actual code?

Bob Matthews

Hi John

John W. Vinson said:
The combo box should be unbound - nothing in its Control Source.

correct - it is unbound
Could you post the RowSource (the SQL) and your actual code?

The RowSource is :-

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Debtors].[Surname] FROM Debtors ORDER BY [Surname];

Not sure what you mean by 'actual code'


John W. Vinson

Hi John

John W. Vinson said:
The combo box should be unbound - nothing in its Control Source.

correct - it is unbound
Could you post the RowSource (the SQL) and your actual code?

The RowSource is :-

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Debtors].[Surname] FROM Debtors ORDER BY [Surname];

Not sure what you mean by 'actual code'


There should be either a macro or (if you correctly followed my suggestion)
some VBA code in the AfterUpdate event of the combo box. If the AfterUpdate
event shows [Event Procedure] please click the ... icon by it to open the VBA
editor, and copy and paste the code here. If it contains something else,
please post that. If it's blank... then your combo won't do anything at all!

Bob Matthews

Hi John

The code you are asking about is as follows.......................

Private Sub Combo76_AfterUpdate() ' you *could* give the combo a real name
Me.Filter = "[Surname] = """ & Me!Combo76 & """"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub


John W. Vinson

Thank you John

I cut and pasted your suggested After Update Event vode in...............

The combo box will not accept any input
If you drop it down - you see the firs 16 entries from the table
But selecting any record does not update the form ????

Sounds like the combo's Enabled property is off, or its Locked property is on
(they should be Yes and No respectively), or the Form's AllowUpdates property
is No (it needs to be Yes for the combo box to allow a selection).

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