Using a CONCATENATE function with an IF function.



I currently have this function:

=IF(AO116="1) Agent did not identify the beneficiary's likes
dislikes.,2) Agent did not ask or acknowledge they understand th
beneficiary's current coverage.,3) Agent failed to collect enoug
information to recommend a suitable plan.,4) Agent recommended a pla
that is not suitable for the beneficiary's needs.,6) Other complianc
issue.", "1) Agent did not identify the beneficiary's likes
dislikes.", “0”)

However, this is over the 255 char limit. How can I use this i
conjunction with the CONCATENATE function per the instructions in Excel
This code works, and is what I want to happen. It's just that this on
is too long for Excel's liking. Thank


JPP said:
I currently have this function:
=IF(AO116="1) Agent did not identify the beneficiary's likes &
dislikes.,2) Agent did not ask or acknowledge they understand the
beneficiary's current coverage.,3) Agent failed to collect enough
information to recommend a suitable plan.,4) Agent recommended a plan
that is not suitable for the beneficiary's needs.,6) Other compliance
issue.", "1) Agent did not identify the beneficiary's likes &
dislikes.", "0")
However, this is over the 255 char limit. How can I use
this in conjunction with the CONCATENATE function

Never use the CONCATENATE function. Use the concatenate operator (&). See
its use just before "4) Agent recommended a plan".

=IF(AO116="1) Agent did not identify the beneficiary's likes &
dislikes.,2) Agent did not ask or acknowledge they understand the
beneficiary's current coverage.,3) Agent failed to collect enough
information to recommend a suitable plan.," & "4) Agent recommended a plan
that is not suitable for the beneficiary's needs.,6) Other compliance
issue.", "1) Agent did not identify the beneficiary's likes &
dislikes.", "0")

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