Using a hyperlink within a worksheet



When I use hyperlinks within my worksheets, they always select the cell at
the bottom of the sheet instead of the top left hand corner. Example, if i
want to get cell a182 from cell a1, I insert the hyperlink with a182
referenced. When the hyperlink goes to cell a182, it appears selected at the
bottom of the sheet, with cell a143 at the top. How can I get a182 to appear
at the top of the sheet

Mike H.

Just curious, how do you do this. I might be able to help but not sure what
exactly you're entering it. When I enter a182, it tries to open a sheet a182
and returns an error.


Thanks Mike H,
I create a hyperlink and place it in this document with the reference cell
A182 or whatever ceel I want to navigate to. It always opens the link at the
bottom of my worksheet. Hope you can help me on this, it's very annoying.


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