Using a Look Up Wizard


Dr. Alkire59

Can anyone Help? I am using a Look up wizard and when i use it in a form i
wanted to use a if statement for a two different things. if the text is one
thing i want to add tax and if it is the other i want to remove the tax. I
cant figure out where to enter the code for this. Can anyone help
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)

John Vinson

Can anyone Help? I am using a Look up wizard and when i use it in a form i
wanted to use a if statement for a two different things. if the text is one
thing i want to add tax and if it is the other i want to remove the tax. I
cant figure out where to enter the code for this. Can anyone help
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)

The newsgroups are a volunteer public service. Private EMail support
is generally for paying customers; in the public newsgroups, others
who have similar problems can see the answers, and others who might be
able to contribute to a discussion can do so. Asking for private EMail
is therefore generally considered inappropriate.

Secondly, the Lookup Wizard is of VERY limited utility. You can't put
"a lookup wizard" on a Form; however, you can (and routinely will) but
a Combo Box control (the "dropdown" that the lookup wizard creates) on
a form. You don't need the lookup wizard to do so though.

I do not understand your table structure (since you haven't posted
it), where the tax would come from (you haven't posted that either),
or explained clearly what it is that you want to do. What is the
RowSource of this combo box (what is it "looking up")? What - in terms
of table fields and form controls and actual table values, not
generalities - do you want to happen when the user selects a value
from this combo?

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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