Using a Lookup Table



I apologize if I've used the wrong section.

I am working on a query that will calculate commissions for my salespeople.
Instead of creating a long formula in the query to calculate the result (the
percentage of commission each salesperson earns is directly tied to the
amount of profit each salesperson generates; therefore the commission rate
can change), I would like to have a table populated with different commission
rates that will be used in a shorter formula in my query.

Example: If a salesperson generates over 30% profit, he will earn 10% of the
profit; if he generates over 20% profit, he will earn 7.5% profit; if he
generates over 10% profit, he will earn 5% profit.

Can I have a formula in my query that will calculate the query field
"Profit_Percent" and then find the appropriate commission percentage in the
table? Can this be performed if a salesperson's "Profit_Percent" is a number
that is not in the table, such as 23.4%?

If this can be done, can someone show me the way this would be written so
that I can understand the thought process.

If I have not been clear in my rambling here, please ask me to be clearer in
my explanation; I've got to figure this out. Thanks...

Jerry Whittle

I think that a Case statement would be best. Put the following in a module
and compile it.

Function fCommission(nCommission As Variant) As Variant
Dim TheCommission As Variant
Select Case nCommission
Case Is < 10
TheCommission = 0
Case 10 To 19.999
TheCommission = 5
Case 20 To 29.999
TheCommission = 7.5
Case Is >= 30
TheCommission = 10
Case Else ' Other values.
TheCommission = 0
End Select
fCommission = TheCommission
End Function

In a query you'd put something like below in a field:

Commission: fCommission([Profit_Percent])

Now as you are dealing with percentages, there might be a problem with the
number divided by 100 to get the percent. If so, you may have to modify the
case statement to something like Case Is < .01 and so on to get it to work


I can do this; however, I wanted to avoid using code because I, or someone
else, may have to change the commission rates and that person may not
understand coding language. I was hoping to create a form to change the
values in the table.
Don Rountree

Jerry Whittle said:
I think that a Case statement would be best. Put the following in a module
and compile it.

Function fCommission(nCommission As Variant) As Variant
Dim TheCommission As Variant
Select Case nCommission
Case Is < 10
TheCommission = 0
Case 10 To 19.999
TheCommission = 5
Case 20 To 29.999
TheCommission = 7.5
Case Is >= 30
TheCommission = 10
Case Else ' Other values.
TheCommission = 0
End Select
fCommission = TheCommission
End Function

In a query you'd put something like below in a field:

Commission: fCommission([Profit_Percent])

Now as you are dealing with percentages, there might be a problem with the
number divided by 100 to get the percent. If so, you may have to modify the
case statement to something like Case Is < .01 and so on to get it to work
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

Don said:
I apologize if I've used the wrong section.

I am working on a query that will calculate commissions for my salespeople.
Instead of creating a long formula in the query to calculate the result (the
percentage of commission each salesperson earns is directly tied to the
amount of profit each salesperson generates; therefore the commission rate
can change), I would like to have a table populated with different commission
rates that will be used in a shorter formula in my query.

Example: If a salesperson generates over 30% profit, he will earn 10% of the
profit; if he generates over 20% profit, he will earn 7.5% profit; if he
generates over 10% profit, he will earn 5% profit.

Can I have a formula in my query that will calculate the query field
"Profit_Percent" and then find the appropriate commission percentage in the
table? Can this be performed if a salesperson's "Profit_Percent" is a number
that is not in the table, such as 23.4%?

If this can be done, can someone show me the way this would be written so
that I can understand the thought process.

If I have not been clear in my rambling here, please ask me to be clearer in
my explanation; I've got to figure this out. Thanks...


I think a table driven approach is a good idea since commissions are changed
on a regular basis, mostly to keep sales people from making too much money :)

Since percentages will not always be an even amount, you can still use the
Select Case statement Jerry suggested with a small modification.

What I don't see in your post is how the profit is calculated. "calculate
the query field "Profit_Percent""

Tell me the rule on that and I can give you a better idea.

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Don said:
I can do this; however, I wanted to avoid using code because I, or someone
else, may have to change the commission rates and that person may not
understand coding language. I was hoping to create a form to change the
values in the table.
Don Rountree

Jerry Whittle said:
I think that a Case statement would be best. Put the following in a module
and compile it.

Function fCommission(nCommission As Variant) As Variant
Dim TheCommission As Variant
Select Case nCommission
Case Is < 10
TheCommission = 0
Case 10 To 19.999
TheCommission = 5
Case 20 To 29.999
TheCommission = 7.5
Case Is >= 30
TheCommission = 10
Case Else ' Other values.
TheCommission = 0
End Select
fCommission = TheCommission
End Function

In a query you'd put something like below in a field:

Commission: fCommission([Profit_Percent])

Now as you are dealing with percentages, there might be a problem with the
number divided by 100 to get the percent. If so, you may have to modify the
case statement to something like Case Is < .01 and so on to get it to work
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

Don said:
I apologize if I've used the wrong section.

I am working on a query that will calculate commissions for my salespeople.
Instead of creating a long formula in the query to calculate the result (the
percentage of commission each salesperson earns is directly tied to the
amount of profit each salesperson generates; therefore the commission rate
can change), I would like to have a table populated with different commission
rates that will be used in a shorter formula in my query.

Example: If a salesperson generates over 30% profit, he will earn 10% of the
profit; if he generates over 20% profit, he will earn 7.5% profit; if he
generates over 10% profit, he will earn 5% profit.

Can I have a formula in my query that will calculate the query field
"Profit_Percent" and then find the appropriate commission percentage in the
table? Can this be performed if a salesperson's "Profit_Percent" is a number
that is not in the table, such as 23.4%?

If this can be done, can someone show me the way this would be written so
that I can understand the thought process.

If I have not been clear in my rambling here, please ask me to be clearer in
my explanation; I've got to figure this out. Thanks...

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