Using a period or dot in a parameter query criteria line



Is there a way to use a period or dot inside the square brackets when
prompting a user for criteria in a query? I need to show an example of the
format to be used, and it requires a period or dot.



Since dot is an operator used in separating identifiers, I would
definitely want to avoid using the dot as an identifier even if it could
be escaped (the usual manner of escaping usually is to double up the
character so to get a single dot, do double dot... but I don't think
it'd work), I would probably want to use a unbound form to act as dialog
for receiving user's input so you have more flexibility in layout and
control how it looks and have your query run off based on the inputs
from the form.

John Spencer

About the only thing I can think of would be to use

<dot> instead of .

Or better yet, avoid the use of a parameter prompt and get the value from a
form. And reference the form's control in the query.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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