Using a picture as a fill effect



In a pie chart I have added a picture as the fill effect, unfortunately it
stretches the picture to the data point boudaries. The options to turn off
"stretch" are grayed out. Does anyone know how to activate the format
options under the fill effects - picture tab?


Thanks for the help. I learned something but not exactly what I'm looking
for...I want to place a different product picture in each of the pie segments
which I can do, however it stretches the picture out of context. I was
wondering if there is a way to control the amount of the stretch. The
options are grayed (not available) when I add the picture.

Andy Pope


I don't believe you can control this. Perhaps try an alternative chart
type, like a stacked bar or column.



Thanks Andy. That's exactly what I did, I used a 100% column chart instead
of the pie and then I had some options. By the way, in PPT 2003 the default
for a line color is off, do you have any idea how to change that. Everytime
I draw a line, I then have to go add color, where in the previous versions,
the line showed up black. It's one of those little things that bugs me.
Thanks again for your help.

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