Using a public function



I am creating work tickets which show diagrams for the different drapery
styles we produce. Some figures on the tickets appear or disappear depending
on whether or not they have a value > 0. Our employees are more accustom to
working with fractions when they measure, so if the value is visible I want
it to appear as a fraction. I would like to incorporate a great function I
got from this disuccsion group, into my code. I was able to use the function
on a "regular" form without the visible/not visible property, but can't seem
to make it work when I add back that feature. Any help is greatly

Here is the code:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'Show the appropriate diagrams and measurements for either a Drapery panel
or pair. If the item neither, don't show any panels or pairs.

Select Case UOM

Case "Panel"
Me.DrapeRtFig.Visible = False
Me.DrapeLtFig.Visible = False
Me.WES_Lt.Visible = False
Me.WES_Rt.Visible = False
Me.LabLt.Visible = False
Me.LabRt.Visible = False
Me.OverRtPrFig.Visible = False
Me.RetLtPrFig.Visible = Me.ReturnL > 0
Me.Return.Visible = Me.ReturnL > 0
Me.Wds.Visible = Me.[Width/pnl] > 0
Me.Wds.Visible = Not Me.[Width/pnl] = 0
Me.DrapePnlFig.Visible = True
Me.OverRtPr.Visible = False

Case "Pair"
Me.DrapeRtFig.Visible = True
Me.DrapeLtFig.Visible = True
Me.WES_Lt.Visible = True
Me.WES_Rt.Visible = True
Me.LabLt.Visible = True
Me.LabRt.Visible = True
Me.OverRtPrFig.Visible = True
Me.Wds.Visible = False
Me.DrapePnlFig.Visible = False
Me.OverRtPr.Visible = True

Case "Each"
Me.DrapeRtFig.Visible = False
Me.DrapeLtFig.Visible = False
Me.WES_Lt.Visible = False
Me.WES_Rt.Visible = False
Me.LabLt.Visible = False
Me.LabRt.Visible = False
Me.OverRtPrFig.Visible = False
Me.Wds.Visible = False
Me.DrapePnlFig.Visible = False
End Select

'Show top header based on Headtop value
Me.headtop.Visible = Me.headtop > 0
Me.HeadTfig.Visible = Me.headtop > 0
Me.HeadTpic.Visible = Me.headtop > 0

'Show Bottom header based on HeadBot value
Me.headBot.Visible = Me.headBot > 0
Me.HeadBFig.Visible = Me.headBot > 0
Me.HeadBpic.Visible = Me.headBot > 0
Me.headBot.Visible = Not Me.headBot = 0
Me.HeadBFig.Visible = Not Me.headBot = 0
Me.HeadBpic.Visible = Not Me.headBot = 0

'hide hem if there is a Bottom Rod pkt
Me.HemFig.Visible = Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.Hem.Visible = Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.Hem.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.HemFig.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.HemFig.Visible = Me.rdpktTop = 0

Me.rdpktTop.Visible = Me.rdpktTop > 0
Me.RdPktBotPic.Visible = Me.rdpktTop > 0
Me.RdPktTopPic.Visible = Not Me.rdpktTop = 0
Me.Fulllness.Visible = Me.rdpktTop > 0

'Show bottom pkt if exists
Me.RdPktBotPic.Visible = Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.RdPktBotPic.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.PktBfig.Visible = Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.PktBfig.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.rdpktBot.Visible = Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.rdpktBot.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot = 0

If Me.headtop.Visible = True Then
FractionIt ([headtop])
End If
End Sub

Public Function FractionIt(dblNumIn As Double) As String
' Name: FractionIt
' Purpose: Converts a double into a string representing a rounded fraction
' Inputs: dblNumIn As Double
' Returns: String
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: Revised - 6/22/2001
' Comment: Rounds down from 1/64 over
On Error GoTo Err_FractionIt

Dim strFrac As String
Dim strSign As String
Dim strWholeNum As String
Dim dblRem As Double

If dblNumIn < 0 Then
strSign = "-"
dblNumIn = dblNumIn * -1
strSign = " "
End If

strWholeNum = Fix([dblNumIn])

dblRem = [dblNumIn] - [strWholeNum]

Select Case dblRem
Case 0
strFrac = ""
Case Is < 0.140625
strFrac = "1/8"
Case Is < 0.265625
strFrac = "1/4"
Case Is < 0.390625
strFrac = "3/8"
Case Is < 0.515625
strFrac = "1/2"
Case Is < 0.640625
strFrac = "5/8"
Case Is < 0.765625
strFrac = "3/4"
Case Is < 0.890625
strFrac = "7/8"
Case Is < 1
strFrac = "1"
End Select

If strFrac = "1" Then
FractionIt = strSign & (strWholeNum + 1)
FractionIt = strSign & strWholeNum & "-" & strFrac
End If

Exit Function

Select Case Err
Case 0

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_FractionIt
End Select

End Function

Tom Wickerath

Hi LeLe,

Try adding a new text box to your form. Set the Control Source property like


where FieldName is the name of your field that contains the measure. For


Make sure that you give the text box(es) unique names that are *not* the
same as the field names. Something like this should work fine:

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

LeLe said:
I am creating work tickets which show diagrams for the different drapery
styles we produce. Some figures on the tickets appear or disappear depending
on whether or not they have a value > 0. Our employees are more accustom to
working with fractions when they measure, so if the value is visible I want
it to appear as a fraction. I would like to incorporate a great function I
got from this disuccsion group, into my code. I was able to use the function
on a "regular" form without the visible/not visible property, but can't seem
to make it work when I add back that feature. Any help is greatly

Here is the code:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'Show the appropriate diagrams and measurements for either a Drapery panel
or pair. If the item neither, don't show any panels or pairs.

Select Case UOM

Case "Panel"
Me.DrapeRtFig.Visible = False
Me.DrapeLtFig.Visible = False
Me.WES_Lt.Visible = False
Me.WES_Rt.Visible = False
Me.LabLt.Visible = False
Me.LabRt.Visible = False
Me.OverRtPrFig.Visible = False
Me.RetLtPrFig.Visible = Me.ReturnL > 0
Me.Return.Visible = Me.ReturnL > 0
Me.Wds.Visible = Me.[Width/pnl] > 0
Me.Wds.Visible = Not Me.[Width/pnl] = 0
Me.DrapePnlFig.Visible = True
Me.OverRtPr.Visible = False

Case "Pair"
Me.DrapeRtFig.Visible = True
Me.DrapeLtFig.Visible = True
Me.WES_Lt.Visible = True
Me.WES_Rt.Visible = True
Me.LabLt.Visible = True
Me.LabRt.Visible = True
Me.OverRtPrFig.Visible = True
Me.Wds.Visible = False
Me.DrapePnlFig.Visible = False
Me.OverRtPr.Visible = True

Case "Each"
Me.DrapeRtFig.Visible = False
Me.DrapeLtFig.Visible = False
Me.WES_Lt.Visible = False
Me.WES_Rt.Visible = False
Me.LabLt.Visible = False
Me.LabRt.Visible = False
Me.OverRtPrFig.Visible = False
Me.Wds.Visible = False
Me.DrapePnlFig.Visible = False
End Select

'Show top header based on Headtop value
Me.headtop.Visible = Me.headtop > 0
Me.HeadTfig.Visible = Me.headtop > 0
Me.HeadTpic.Visible = Me.headtop > 0

'Show Bottom header based on HeadBot value
Me.headBot.Visible = Me.headBot > 0
Me.HeadBFig.Visible = Me.headBot > 0
Me.HeadBpic.Visible = Me.headBot > 0
Me.headBot.Visible = Not Me.headBot = 0
Me.HeadBFig.Visible = Not Me.headBot = 0
Me.HeadBpic.Visible = Not Me.headBot = 0

'hide hem if there is a Bottom Rod pkt
Me.HemFig.Visible = Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.Hem.Visible = Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.Hem.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.HemFig.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.HemFig.Visible = Me.rdpktTop = 0

Me.rdpktTop.Visible = Me.rdpktTop > 0
Me.RdPktBotPic.Visible = Me.rdpktTop > 0
Me.RdPktTopPic.Visible = Not Me.rdpktTop = 0
Me.Fulllness.Visible = Me.rdpktTop > 0

'Show bottom pkt if exists
Me.RdPktBotPic.Visible = Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.RdPktBotPic.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.PktBfig.Visible = Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.PktBfig.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot = 0
Me.rdpktBot.Visible = Me.rdpktBot > 0
Me.rdpktBot.Visible = Not Me.rdpktBot = 0

If Me.headtop.Visible = True Then
FractionIt ([headtop])
End If
End Sub

Public Function FractionIt(dblNumIn As Double) As String
' Name: FractionIt
' Purpose: Converts a double into a string representing a rounded fraction
' Inputs: dblNumIn As Double
' Returns: String
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: Revised - 6/22/2001
' Comment: Rounds down from 1/64 over
On Error GoTo Err_FractionIt

Dim strFrac As String
Dim strSign As String
Dim strWholeNum As String
Dim dblRem As Double

If dblNumIn < 0 Then
strSign = "-"
dblNumIn = dblNumIn * -1
strSign = " "
End If

strWholeNum = Fix([dblNumIn])

dblRem = [dblNumIn] - [strWholeNum]

Select Case dblRem
Case 0
strFrac = ""
Case Is < 0.140625
strFrac = "1/8"
Case Is < 0.265625
strFrac = "1/4"
Case Is < 0.390625
strFrac = "3/8"
Case Is < 0.515625
strFrac = "1/2"
Case Is < 0.640625
strFrac = "5/8"
Case Is < 0.765625
strFrac = "3/4"
Case Is < 0.890625
strFrac = "7/8"
Case Is < 1
strFrac = "1"
End Select

If strFrac = "1" Then
FractionIt = strSign & (strWholeNum + 1)
FractionIt = strSign & strWholeNum & "-" & strFrac
End If

Exit Function

Select Case Err
Case 0

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_FractionIt
End Select

End Function

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