I just had to do that. Well, on to the problem. I've got a form for data
entry with the control source as the main table...I've also created a
duplicate of the same form with the control source as a query in order to
find data by the primary key and edit the record. I don't like this though.
Besides, after listening to all of you MVP's I'm really getting the picture
that duplicate objects is not a good idea. Thanks for that by the way. How
can I set up the form to enter records to the main table and pull records out
once I enter a value in the Primary Key control? This would also be a way to
insure that duplicate records are not being created, right? I hope I can hear
something soon. If not, I'll be back next week. Everyone have a safe and
Merry Christmas!
I just had to do that. Well, on to the problem. I've got a form for data
entry with the control source as the main table...I've also created a
duplicate of the same form with the control source as a query in order to
find data by the primary key and edit the record. I don't like this though.
Besides, after listening to all of you MVP's I'm really getting the picture
that duplicate objects is not a good idea. Thanks for that by the way. How
can I set up the form to enter records to the main table and pull records out
once I enter a value in the Primary Key control? This would also be a way to
insure that duplicate records are not being created, right? I hope I can hear
something soon. If not, I'll be back next week. Everyone have a safe and
Merry Christmas!