Using a sub procedure to change a subform property


ISSB Programmer

I am currently using the following code to change the AllowEdits property on
any form. The form calls the Sub procedure through a button's OnClick event.

Sub UnlockForm(strFormName As String)
On Error GoTo Err_unlockform
If Forms(strFormName).AllowEdits = False Then
Forms(strFormName).AllowEdits = True
MsgBox "Form is now unlocked for editing."
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_unlockform

End Sub

I am trying to call this Sub procedure from a button on a subform. I was
going to use an if/else statement to execute the following code if the
calling form is a subform:

If Forms(strFormName)(strSubFormName).AllowEdits = False Then
Forms(strFormName)(strSubFormName).AllowEdits = True
MsgBox "Form is now unlocked for editing."
End If

Is there an easier way of doing this? Can I set strFormName to somehow point
to the subform instead of creating another parameter? Thanks.

ISSB Programmer


NameOfSubformControl = MainFormName


NameOfSubformControl = MainFormName!SubFormName

If so does the new procedure look like this:

Sub UnlockForm(strFormName As String)
On Error GoTo Err_unlockform
If me.strFormName.AllowEdits = False Then
me.strFormName.AllowEdits = True
MsgBox "Form is now unlocked for editing."
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_unlockform

End Sub

And do I call the procedure with the following line:


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Me = Forms!FormName

ISSB Programmer said:

NameOfSubformControl = MainFormName


NameOfSubformControl = MainFormName!SubFormName


The full syntax, without the "Me" shortcut would be:

If Forms!MainFormName!SubformControlName.Form.AllowEdits = False

you need to subsitute the appropriate names for the name of the main form
and the name of the subform control. Note that the name of the subform
control and the subform name can be the same or different.

ISSB Programmer

Thanks for clearing that up. How would I use that in a subprocedure that the
form calls? Is there a way to substitute


with an input parameter such as (strControlPathName as String)?

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