Using a textbox to filter data in a subform



Hi guys, I'm getting rather flummoxed about this one!

I have a sub form with about 3505 records in it, and I was hoping that
insead of creating 6 different queries to filter the information if I could
use a text box to filter by different information such as Company Name,
country, year of expiry, status, etc (They are all different fields from the
original query).

Can I only use List / combo boxes to do this, or can I use a text box? And
if so, HOW??????


Damon Heron

It makes it easier to use a combobox with the fields listed as a value list,
than to have the user type in
the filter (eliminates chance for errors).
In the afterupdate of the combobox, re-create your query string using the
having keyword and do a requery on the subform.
Check Access help for the Having clause.


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