Using a time value in an Excel formula to figure an hourly average


Chuck Walsh

I know this is probably a very simple question for most, but I am a bit dense.
I need to use a time value that is generated by another formula to generate
a per hour average.

Example is a person works from 10: AM until 3:00 PM in my current
spreadsheet I have a start time colum and an end time colum. I also have a
time worked column that has a formula in it to get the total time worked. I
show a starting total of items say 100. I then put in an ending item total
say 200. I want to use a formula to calculate items per hour average. Right
now I have a base formula but I have to enter the time morked in each cell
manually. I want Exccell to take the value from the Dependent cell that
contains the formula that figurers time worked.
Can anyone help

Peo Sjoblom


format as number of general

I don't know if you meant that when starting items are 100 and ending items
are 200 that you would take the difference in that case


replace the values by cells



Peo Sjoblom

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