Using a timer


Tha BeatMaker

I need to create a timer that counts off seconds on my form. For
example, I need to click on button 1 and testbox 1 starts counting off
1, 2, 3, etc.... and the timer stops when i click button 2, leaving the
final time count in testbox 1.

How can I do this?


Hi Beatmaker,

I don't know if you need help with the triggering itself, but take a
look at this timer code. This example puts the timer in the status bar
rather than on a form. If you want to be able to do something else
while it runs, you can uncomment the DoEvents.

Sub timer_example()

timeout_limit = 10
start_time = Time()

Do While time_difference < timeout_limit
Application.StatusBar = time_difference & " seconds elapsed out
of " & timeout_limit
current_time = Time()
time_difference = DateDiff("s", start_time, current_time)

End Sub

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