Using a values from a lookup table to populate a range


Jill Smith

I really need some input on this one. I have a lookup table that identifies
valid zipcodes for states/provinces. What I need is to create a macro that
helps poplulate a number of worksheets with the valid zipcodes for the
identified state.

For instance: My Lookup Table (in a separate file) has the valid ZipLow and
ZipHighs for each state (see sample below). I have a macro that lookups the
state and inserts the number of rows necessary for each state (as they vary
per state) which gives me a good table to work with. Then I would like to
populate the ZipHigh and ZipLow columns based on the State column value until
the table is filled with appropriate zips for each state in my table. I
would imagine the easiest way to do this would be to see the value in the
state column, then review the lookup table to copy in the range that is equal
to the state value, then repeat for each new state found. I am confused
about how to copy in the dynamic range from the lookup table, which would
vary depending on the state.

Sample lookup table:

State ZipLow ZipHigh
FL 33301 33999
FL 34401 34999
FL 35501 35999
CA 47701 47999
CA 48222 48999
MI 60001 60999

Thank you so much,


Can you give examples of the data in both workbooks. I'm not sure from yor
example if the table you provided is the source or the destination data.



The Source is the sample provided originally. It is a table of all states
and their acceptable zips, plus some other columns of data I do not need to
bring into the destination worksheet. It has a named range of Territory that
identifies the table range. Column A lists the State field, Columns B & C
have the Zips field. Their column headings are identical to the corresponding
column headings in the destination field (the data is just in a different
columnar order).

The destination will only have data for one State at a time. I have a
worksheet for each state, and I want to filter the Source for the matching
state of the desitination worksheet. For instance, FL has 3 valid rows of
data in Source. I want to copy the FL data for columns B & C to the
corresponding columns in the destination (D & E). Then last but not least,
in the destination worksheet, copy this range of values down to the end of
the destination table. So for FL destination worksheet, it would look like
this (FL has 3 valid rows of zips):

For instance, FL destination will look like this (simplified...alot of other
columns in reality):
FL 1a NameA 33301 33999
FL 2a NameA 34401 34999
FL 3a NameA 35501 39999
FL 1b NameB 33301 33999
FL 2b NameB 34401 34999
FL 3b NameB 35501 39999
FL 1c NameC 33301 33999
FL 2c NameC 34401 34999
FL 3c NameC 35501 39999

The other states would have the same repeating pattern for the range of
valid zips for them. For instance: CA has only 2 valid zips. It would copy
the 2 valid rows/columns of zip data to the appropriate column (D & E in
destination example), then repeat the patten down to the end of the table.

For instance, CA destination will look like (simplified...alot of other
columns in reality):
CA 1a NameA 47701 47999
CA 2a NameA 48222 48999
CA 1b NameB 47701 47999
CA 2b NameB 48222 48999
CA 1c NameC 47701 47999
CA 2c NameC 48222 48999
CA 1d NameD 47701 47999
CA 2d NameD 48222 48999

I hope that is more clear. Thanks for your consideration!


I have a few questions

It look like you are sortine the destinations by name and number (1a, 2a,
3a...) where is the name a number coming from?

There si a website to get zipcodes. I wrote a macro last year for somebody
to get the names of the city from the zip code using this website. I can do
something similar if it helps.

Sub GetZipCodes()

ZIPCODE = InputBox("Enter 5 digit zipcode : ")

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True

URL = ""

'get web page
IE.Navigate2 URL
Do While IE.readyState <> 4

Do While IE.busy = True
Set Form = IE.document.getElementsByTagname("Form")

Set zip5 = IE.document.getElementById("zip5")
zip5.Value = ZIPCODE

Do While IE.busy = True

Set Table = IE.document.getElementsByTagname("Table")
If Table(0).Rows(0).innertext = "" Then
MsgBox ("Invalid Zip code")
Location = Table(0).Rows(2).innertext
End If
MsgBox ("Zip code = " & ZIPCODE & " City/State = " & Location)

End Sub


Good questions. I cannot use standard zipcodes, as some of my ziphigh and
ziplow values are custom values rather than official zipcodes. And I am also
bringing in a Zipdefinition value from another column as they are
all custom values.

The name and number fields come from a another source file called
StateAccounts. This StateAccounts source file lists the State (below example
is a StateAccounts file for FL), and unique Name and Account Number on each
row (see example):

State Name AccountNumber
FL Jill Acct1
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Paul Acct3
FL Vicki Acc4
FL Sam Acct5
FL Sam Acc6

I have to blow out the Name and Account Number field for each row of valid
zip values in the Zip Source file for FL. So in the end this StateAccount
source file which started with 6 rows, blows out to 18 rows (since FL has 3
rows of valid zip values)

I created a macro that inserts the number of rows for each Name/Account
combination needed to insert the 3 valid zip rows for FL. So my incomplete
StateAccount file now looks like:

State Name AccountNumber ZipLow ZipHigh ZipDefinition
FL Jill Acct1
FL Jill Acct1
FL Jill Acct1
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Paul Acct3
FL Paul Acct3
FL Paul Acct3

Now I am trying to autopopulate the ZipHigh/ZipLow/ZipDefintion values for
FL throughout the worksheet using the zip source file from original posting.

I thought this would be the easiest way to build the final StateAccount
file...please share your thoughts.


try this code. You need to change the two SET stements on the top of the
code to match your workbook and worksheet. I also don't know where the Zip
Definition is coming from.

Sub GetZipcodes()

Set LookupSht = Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ResultSht = Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

State = ResultSht.Range("A2")
'Find State on LookupSht
With LookupSht
Set c = .Columns("A").Find(what:=State, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Cannot find State : " & State)
'find number of rows for state
LastRow = c.Row
Do While .Range("A" & (LastRow + 1)) = State And _
LastRow <= Rows.Count

LastRow = LastRow + 1
NumRows = LastRow - c.Row + 1
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":C" & LastRow)

End If
End With

RowCount = 2
StartRow = RowCount
With ResultSht
Do While Range("B" & RowCount) <> ""
'wait until last row of Name before doing the copy
If Range("B" & RowCount) <> Range("B" & (RowCount + 1)) Then
If (RowCount - StartRow + 1) <> NumRows Then
Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("D" & StartRow)
StartRow = RowCount + 1
End If
End If
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

End Sub


Hi Joel,
Thank you very much. I have modified the set statements to match my
worksheet names. The Zip Def column is column D of the Zipcode source file
(next to the ZipLow (Column B) and Ziphigh (Column C) columns.

In running the code, I am getting a VB Compile error: "Can't assign to read
only property" on the following line:

Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't Match

Any ideas?

Thank you,


I tested the code and it work. I just saw that I left the two periods off of
the following line

If .Range("B" & RowCount) <> .Range("B" & (RowCount + 1)) Then

I must of had the Result worksheet selected when I ran the code and didn't
have the problem. I suspect the rowcount went to the last row of the
worksheet (65536) and got an error while reading this row. Add the two
periods and it should work


Hi Joel-
This is very cool! Thank you! I am able to bring in the range of values I
need. You have gotten us so far on this worksheet build! Thank you!

Can you tell me how I can add the following flexibility to this code:
1) Run the code against the active destination worksheet, vs. the defining
the destination worksheet by name (the worksheet names change)
2) Bring in 3 columns of info B, C, D to destionation D, E, & F columns,
rather just 2 columns.
3) I added the periods in front of .Ranges below as you indicated, even for
the line above the one you specified which also was missing a period.
However I still get that compile error on that specific IF,Then,Else block so
I commented it out and all works just fine. However, I would like to use
that If,Then,Else block because it does catch errors so any more insight to
that error message would be great. I am using Excel 2007: The compile error
is below.


See Answers below

VickiV said:
Hi Joel-
This is very cool! Thank you! I am able to bring in the range of values I
need. You have gotten us so far on this worksheet build! Thank you!

Can you tell me how I can add the following flexibility to this code:
1) Run the code against the active destination worksheet, vs. the defining
the destination worksheet by name (the worksheet names change)


Set ResultSht = Sheets("Sheet2")
Set ResultSht = ActiveSheet
2) Bring in 3 columns of info B, C, D to destionation D, E, & F columns,
rather just 2 columns.


Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":C" & LastRow)
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & LastRow)
3) I added the periods in front of .Ranges below as you indicated, even for
the line above the one you specified which also was missing a period.
However I still get that compile error on that specific IF,Then,Else block so
I commented it out and all works just fine. However, I would like to use
that If,Then,Else block because it does catch errors so any more insight to
that error message would be great. I am using Excel 2007: The compile error
is below.

Answer: The line was too long and wrapped the double quote and closing
parethesis should be on the same line as the MsgBox


All is good! And I really mean that! You have made our day! One more
request, and if it is too much we can put a new post. We reviewed another
post of yours to copy a range of values and we would like to do the same. The
code you provided in the prior post was:

For RowCount = 6 to 200 step 4
Range("B" & RowCount).Paste
Next RowCount

However, we would like to modify the code to copy the dynamic/variable range
created by the Sub GetZipCodes all the way down to the last record, thereby
filling in the data down the columns D, E, and now F. Is this possible?

Best Regards,


Youo have to change the first two set statements

Sub GetZipcodes()

Set LookupSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ResultSht = ActiveSheet.Sheets("Sheet2")

State = ResultSht.Range("A2")
'Find State on LookupSht
With LookupSht
Set c = .Columns("A").Find(what:=State, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Cannot find State : " & State)
'find number of rows for state
LastRow = c.Row
Do While .Range("A" & (LastRow + 1)) = State And _
LastRow <= Rows.Count

LastRow = LastRow + 1
NumRows = LastRow - c.Row + 1
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & LastRow)
End If
End With

With ResultSht
StartRow = 2
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
NewRows = LastRow - StartRow + 1
'Test if NewRow is a multiple of NumRows
If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Number of rows in Destination Sheet" & _
"isn't a multiple of the Number of rows for state")
CopyRange.Copy _
Destination:=.Range("D" & StartRow & ":D" & LastRow)
End If
End With

End Sub


Hi Joel-
This code brings in the correct range of rows for a state, but it does not
copy down the values in the columns to the end of the table. Any ideas?



I missed another period

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

If adding the period to the line above doesn't work. The add a message box
like below to help determine the problem. I'm using column A to determine
the last row of data.

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox ("LastRow of data is : " & LastRow)


Hi Joel,
We had corrected the typo for .Range. We have added the message box. The
last row indicated is is the last row for Column A as expected
(which is row 83) on this sample xls. Is a loop required?

Thank you very much for your guidance on this. We are learning alot.


I think I understand your question. You are asking if a loop is required to
find the LastRow. The answer is no unlsess there is data in column A after
the last state data.

Let me explain how "END: works.

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Rows.Count is the last row on the worksheet which is 65536 in Excel 2003.
Excel goes to Column A [.Range("A65536")] and search up [END(xlup)] towards
row 1 looking for the 1st cell that contains data.


Hi Joel,
Can you also explain how this stmt works:
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("C" & StartRow & ":C" & LastRow)

And this one:
If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then

Greatly appreciated,

Joel said:
I think I understand your question. You are asking if a loop is required to
find the LastRow. The answer is no unlsess there is data in column A after
the last state data.

Let me explain how "END: works.

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Rows.Count is the last row on the worksheet which is 65536 in Excel 2003.
Excel goes to Column A [.Range("A65536")] and search up [END(xlup)] towards
row 1 looking for the 1st cell that contains data.

VickiV said:
Hi Joel,
We had corrected the typo for .Range. We have added the message box. The
last row indicated is is the last row for Column A as expected
(which is row 83) on this sample xls. Is a loop required?

Thank you very much for your guidance on this. We are learning alot.


Excell combines number and string to gether automatically in this statement

CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("C" & StartRow & ":C" & LastRow)

So if StartRow = 5 and LastRow = 10
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("C5:C10")

CopyRange was defined earlier in the code with a SET statement. This line
is just copying the RANGE defined earlier in the code to column C.

2) The line is modular arithmetic

If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then

if you have the following

0 Mod 3 = 0
1 Mod 3 = 1
2 Mod 3 = 2
3 Mod 3 = 0
4 Mod 3 = 1
5 Mod 3 = 2
6 Mod 3 = 0
7 Mod 3 = 1

It is the remainder after you divide 7/3

VickiV said:
Hi Joel,
Can you also explain how this stmt works:
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("C" & StartRow & ":C" & LastRow)

And this one:
If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then

Greatly appreciated,

Joel said:
I think I understand your question. You are asking if a loop is required to
find the LastRow. The answer is no unlsess there is data in column A after
the last state data.

Let me explain how "END: works.

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Rows.Count is the last row on the worksheet which is 65536 in Excel 2003.
Excel goes to Column A [.Range("A65536")] and search up [END(xlup)] towards
row 1 looking for the 1st cell that contains data.

VickiV said:
Hi Joel,
We had corrected the typo for .Range. We have added the message box. The
last row indicated is is the last row for Column A as expected
(which is row 83) on this sample xls. Is a loop required?

Thank you very much for your guidance on this. We are learning alot.


I missed another period

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

If adding the period to the line above doesn't work. The add a message box
like below to help determine the problem. I'm using column A to determine
the last row of data.

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox ("LastRow of data is : " & LastRow)


Hi Joel-
This code brings in the correct range of rows for a state, but it does not
copy down the values in the columns to the end of the table. Any ideas?



Youo have to change the first two set statements

Sub GetZipcodes()

Set LookupSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ResultSht = ActiveSheet.Sheets("Sheet2")

State = ResultSht.Range("A2")
'Find State on LookupSht
With LookupSht
Set c = .Columns("A").Find(what:=State, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Cannot find State : " & State)
'find number of rows for state
LastRow = c.Row
Do While .Range("A" & (LastRow + 1)) = State And _
LastRow <= Rows.Count

LastRow = LastRow + 1
NumRows = LastRow - c.Row + 1
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & LastRow)
End If
End With

With ResultSht
StartRow = 2
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
NewRows = LastRow - StartRow + 1
'Test if NewRow is a multiple of NumRows
If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Number of rows in Destination Sheet" & _
"isn't a multiple of the Number of rows for state")
CopyRange.Copy _
Destination:=.Range("D" & StartRow & ":D" & LastRow)
End If
End With

End Sub


All is good! And I really mean that! You have made our day! One more
request, and if it is too much we can put a new post. We reviewed another
post of yours to copy a range of values and we would like to do the same. The
code you provided in the prior post was:

For RowCount = 6 to 200 step 4
Range("B" & RowCount).Paste
Next RowCount

However, we would like to modify the code to copy the dynamic/variable range
created by the Sub GetZipCodes all the way down to the last record, thereby
filling in the data down the columns D, E, and now F. Is this possible?

Best Regards,


See Answers below


Hi Joel-
This is very cool! Thank you! I am able to bring in the range of values I
need. You have gotten us so far on this worksheet build! Thank you!

Can you tell me how I can add the following flexibility to this code:
1) Run the code against the active destination worksheet, vs. the defining
the destination worksheet by name (the worksheet names change)


Set ResultSht = Sheets("Sheet2")
Set ResultSht = ActiveSheet
2) Bring in 3 columns of info B, C, D to destionation D, E, & F columns,
rather just 2 columns.


Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":C" & LastRow)
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & LastRow)

3) I added the periods in front of .Ranges below as you indicated, even for
the line above the one you specified which also was missing a period.
However I still get that compile error on that specific IF,Then,Else block so
I commented it out and all works just fine. However, I would like to use
that If,Then,Else block because it does catch errors so any more insight to
that error message would be great. I am using Excel 2007: The compile error
is below.

In running the code, I am getting a VB Compile error: "Can't assign to
only property" on the following line:

Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't Match

Answer: The line was too long and wrapped the double quote and closing
parethesis should be on the same line as the MsgBox


I tested the code and it work. I just saw that I left the two periods off of
the following line

If .Range("B" & RowCount) <> .Range("B" & (RowCount + 1)) Then

I must of had the Result worksheet selected when I ran the code and didn't
have the problem. I suspect the rowcount went to the last row of the
worksheet (65536) and got an error while reading this row. Add the two
periods and it should work


Hi Joel,
Thank you very much. I have modified the set statements to match my
worksheet names. The Zip Def column is column D of the Zipcode source file
(next to the ZipLow (Column B) and Ziphigh (Column C) columns.

In running the code, I am getting a VB Compile error: "Can't assign to read
only property" on the following line:

Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't Match

Any ideas?

Thank you,

try this code. You need to change the two SET stements on the top of the
code to match your workbook and worksheet. I also don't know where the Zip
Definition is coming from.

Sub GetZipcodes()

Set LookupSht = Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ResultSht = Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

State = ResultSht.Range("A2")
'Find State on LookupSht
With LookupSht
Set c = .Columns("A").Find(what:=State, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Cannot find State : " & State)
'find number of rows for state
LastRow = c.Row
Do While .Range("A" & (LastRow + 1)) = State And _
LastRow <= Rows.Count

LastRow = LastRow + 1
NumRows = LastRow - c.Row + 1
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":C" & LastRow)

End If
End With

RowCount = 2
StartRow = RowCount
With ResultSht
Do While Range("B" & RowCount) <> ""
'wait until last row of Name before doing the copy
If Range("B" & RowCount) <> Range("B" & (RowCount + 1)) Then
If (RowCount - StartRow + 1) <> NumRows Then
Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("D" & StartRow)
StartRow = RowCount + 1
End If
End If
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

End Sub


Good questions. I cannot use standard zipcodes, as some of my ziphigh and
ziplow values are custom values rather than official zipcodes. And I am also
bringing in a Zipdefinition value from another column as they are
all custom values.

The name and number fields come from a another source file called
StateAccounts. This StateAccounts source file lists the State (below example
is a StateAccounts file for FL), and unique Name and Account Number on each
row (see example):

State Name AccountNumber
FL Jill Acct1
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Paul Acct3
FL Vicki Acc4
FL Sam Acct5
FL Sam Acc6

I have to blow out the Name and Account Number field for each row of valid
zip values in the Zip Source file for FL. So in the end this StateAccount
source file which started with 6 rows, blows out to 18 rows (since FL has 3
rows of valid zip values)

I created a macro that inserts the number of rows for each Name/Account
combination needed to insert the 3 valid zip rows for FL. So my incomplete
StateAccount file now looks like:

State Name AccountNumber ZipLow ZipHigh ZipDefinition
FL Jill Acct1
FL Jill Acct1
FL Jill Acct1
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Vicki Acct2
FL Paul Acct3


Hi Joel,
The code is very close to working the way we need. We still cannot get it
to copy the range down the column. We noticed the following differences when
we change the code:

It copies down to end of table but does not give us the correct result:
When using this statement, only the first row populates for column B to D and
this first row copies all the way down to the last row of the table :
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & c.Row)

The original statement only populates the first instance correctly with the
Range of values (representing 3 rows of data in Columns B to D), but it does
not copy down to end of table. The original stmt is below.
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & LastRow)

Does this help identify what is causing it to not copy the range to end of
Any ideas how to get the entire range (B2 to D4) to copy down the table vs.
just the first row

It almost seems like the following statement needs to shift down and do a
loop till end of table is found.
CopyRange.Copy _
Destination:=.Range("C" & StartRow & ":C" & LastRow)

Joel said:
Excell combines number and string to gether automatically in this statement

CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("C" & StartRow & ":C" & LastRow)

So if StartRow = 5 and LastRow = 10
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("C5:C10")

CopyRange was defined earlier in the code with a SET statement. This line
is just copying the RANGE defined earlier in the code to column C.

2) The line is modular arithmetic

If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then

if you have the following

0 Mod 3 = 0
1 Mod 3 = 1
2 Mod 3 = 2
3 Mod 3 = 0
4 Mod 3 = 1
5 Mod 3 = 2
6 Mod 3 = 0
7 Mod 3 = 1

It is the remainder after you divide 7/3

VickiV said:
Hi Joel,
Can you also explain how this stmt works:
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("C" & StartRow & ":C" & LastRow)

And this one:
If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then

Greatly appreciated,

Joel said:
I think I understand your question. You are asking if a loop is required to
find the LastRow. The answer is no unlsess there is data in column A after
the last state data.

Let me explain how "END: works.

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Rows.Count is the last row on the worksheet which is 65536 in Excel 2003.
Excel goes to Column A [.Range("A65536")] and search up [END(xlup)] towards
row 1 looking for the 1st cell that contains data.


Hi Joel,
We had corrected the typo for .Range. We have added the message box. The
last row indicated is is the last row for Column A as expected
(which is row 83) on this sample xls. Is a loop required?

Thank you very much for your guidance on this. We are learning alot.


I missed another period

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

If adding the period to the line above doesn't work. The add a message box
like below to help determine the problem. I'm using column A to determine
the last row of data.

LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox ("LastRow of data is : " & LastRow)


Hi Joel-
This code brings in the correct range of rows for a state, but it does not
copy down the values in the columns to the end of the table. Any ideas?



Youo have to change the first two set statements

Sub GetZipcodes()

Set LookupSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ResultSht = ActiveSheet.Sheets("Sheet2")

State = ResultSht.Range("A2")
'Find State on LookupSht
With LookupSht
Set c = .Columns("A").Find(what:=State, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Cannot find State : " & State)
'find number of rows for state
LastRow = c.Row
Do While .Range("A" & (LastRow + 1)) = State And _
LastRow <= Rows.Count

LastRow = LastRow + 1
NumRows = LastRow - c.Row + 1
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & LastRow)
End If
End With

With ResultSht
StartRow = 2
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
NewRows = LastRow - StartRow + 1
'Test if NewRow is a multiple of NumRows
If (NewRows Mod NumRows) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Number of rows in Destination Sheet" & _
"isn't a multiple of the Number of rows for state")
CopyRange.Copy _
Destination:=.Range("D" & StartRow & ":D" & LastRow)
End If
End With

End Sub


All is good! And I really mean that! You have made our day! One more
request, and if it is too much we can put a new post. We reviewed another
post of yours to copy a range of values and we would like to do the same. The
code you provided in the prior post was:

For RowCount = 6 to 200 step 4
Range("B" & RowCount).Paste
Next RowCount

However, we would like to modify the code to copy the dynamic/variable range
created by the Sub GetZipCodes all the way down to the last record, thereby
filling in the data down the columns D, E, and now F. Is this possible?

Best Regards,


See Answers below


Hi Joel-
This is very cool! Thank you! I am able to bring in the range of values I
need. You have gotten us so far on this worksheet build! Thank you!

Can you tell me how I can add the following flexibility to this code:
1) Run the code against the active destination worksheet, vs. the defining
the destination worksheet by name (the worksheet names change)


Set ResultSht = Sheets("Sheet2")
Set ResultSht = ActiveSheet
2) Bring in 3 columns of info B, C, D to destionation D, E, & F columns,
rather just 2 columns.


Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":C" & LastRow)
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":D" & LastRow)

3) I added the periods in front of .Ranges below as you indicated, even for
the line above the one you specified which also was missing a period.
However I still get that compile error on that specific IF,Then,Else block so
I commented it out and all works just fine. However, I would like to use
that If,Then,Else block because it does catch errors so any more insight to
that error message would be great. I am using Excel 2007: The compile error
is below.

In running the code, I am getting a VB Compile error: "Can't assign to
only property" on the following line:

Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't Match

Answer: The line was too long and wrapped the double quote and closing
parethesis should be on the same line as the MsgBox


I tested the code and it work. I just saw that I left the two periods off of
the following line

If .Range("B" & RowCount) <> .Range("B" & (RowCount + 1)) Then

I must of had the Result worksheet selected when I ran the code and didn't
have the problem. I suspect the rowcount went to the last row of the
worksheet (65536) and got an error while reading this row. Add the two
periods and it should work


Hi Joel,
Thank you very much. I have modified the set statements to match my
worksheet names. The Zip Def column is column D of the Zipcode source file
(next to the ZipLow (Column B) and Ziphigh (Column C) columns.

In running the code, I am getting a VB Compile error: "Can't assign to read
only property" on the following line:

Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't Match

Any ideas?

Thank you,

try this code. You need to change the two SET stements on the top of the
code to match your workbook and worksheet. I also don't know where the Zip
Definition is coming from.

Sub GetZipcodes()

Set LookupSht = Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ResultSht = Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

State = ResultSht.Range("A2")
'Find State on LookupSht
With LookupSht
Set c = .Columns("A").Find(what:=State, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If c Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Cannot find State : " & State)
'find number of rows for state
LastRow = c.Row
Do While .Range("A" & (LastRow + 1)) = State And _
LastRow <= Rows.Count

LastRow = LastRow + 1
NumRows = LastRow - c.Row + 1
Set CopyRange = .Range("B" & c.Row & ":C" & LastRow)

End If
End With

RowCount = 2
StartRow = RowCount
With ResultSht
Do While Range("B" & RowCount) <> ""
'wait until last row of Name before doing the copy
If Range("B" & RowCount) <> Range("B" & (RowCount + 1)) Then
If (RowCount - StartRow + 1) <> NumRows Then
Name = .Range("B" & RowCount)
MsgBox ("Error in " & Name & " Acount. Number of Rows don't
CopyRange.Copy Destination:=.Range("D" & StartRow)
StartRow = RowCount + 1
End If
End If
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End With

End Sub


Good questions. I cannot use standard zipcodes, as some of my ziphigh and
ziplow values are custom values rather than official zipcodes. And I am also

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