Using Access for System Migrations



I have a table called Customer Systems Inventory, which looks like this:

Customer ID Customer Name System Name System ID Region
5 XYZ A 1
5 XYZ B 2
5 XYZ C 3
etc. Southeast

I need to move all of my customers and need a way to track the different
tasks to be completed before a customer can move. System A migrations have
different tasks than B and C. Customers on System A need to move to system
E, but B and C both migrate together. So that poses a problem with how do I
update customers on B and C together? The way I have it now is a form with
check boxes for the tasks to be completed, but the same tasks of course
appear on all the records even though they should really be different for
System A customers than System B and C Customers.

What should be the structure? How is the best way to track this? Will I
need to put everything on separate tables? Queries? One form or many

I'm trying to get away from spreadsheets, and really hope the community can
help me!

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