Hi I have some VBA code building a query I run the code to add a new record
this works fine what I need to do is edit the a record in the same query, if
the record already exists I want to edit it if not add it.
I have been trying to use the find a bit like in DAO with findfirst but I
can get it to work can some help me please.
PS Please see code below
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAttendance"
cnADO.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
GetFromIniFile("dBPaths", "Database")
rsADO.Open strSQL, cnADO, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With rsADO
For i = 0 To lstAssociate.ListCount - 1
If lstAssociate.Selected(i) = True Then
strAssoc = lstAssociate.Column(0, i)
!Assoc_No = lstAssociate.Column(0, i)
If WhichBnt = 1 Then
!Absent_Type = cboAbsent
End If
!Date_Stamp = Mid(Now(), 7, 4) & Mid(Now(), 4, 2) & Mid(Now(),
1, 2) & Mid(Now(), 12, 2) & Mid(Now(), 15, 2) & Mid(Now(), 18, 2)
!Creation_Date = Mid(Now(), 7, 4) & Mid(Now(), 4, 2) &
Mid(Now(), 1, 2)
!Zone = myZone(i)
End If
Next i
End With
Set rsADO = Nothing
this works fine what I need to do is edit the a record in the same query, if
the record already exists I want to edit it if not add it.
I have been trying to use the find a bit like in DAO with findfirst but I
can get it to work can some help me please.
PS Please see code below
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAttendance"
cnADO.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
GetFromIniFile("dBPaths", "Database")
rsADO.Open strSQL, cnADO, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With rsADO
For i = 0 To lstAssociate.ListCount - 1
If lstAssociate.Selected(i) = True Then
strAssoc = lstAssociate.Column(0, i)
!Assoc_No = lstAssociate.Column(0, i)
If WhichBnt = 1 Then
!Absent_Type = cboAbsent
End If
!Date_Stamp = Mid(Now(), 7, 4) & Mid(Now(), 4, 2) & Mid(Now(),
1, 2) & Mid(Now(), 12, 2) & Mid(Now(), 15, 2) & Mid(Now(), 18, 2)
!Creation_Date = Mid(Now(), 7, 4) & Mid(Now(), 4, 2) &
Mid(Now(), 1, 2)
!Zone = myZone(i)
End If
Next i
End With
Set rsADO = Nothing