Using Alt key to access commands



Over the weekend I found I could no longer pull down the menu below "Tables"
in FrontPage 2003 using the Alt-key plus the underlined character in Tables
(I recall it being 'a'). In other words prior to this weekend if I selected
Alt on my keyboard plus the a it would highlight Tables at the top of FP2003
then open the menu below from which I could then make my choice, e.g., select
row, select table, delete row, and so forth.

It appears isolated to Tables. If I want to File Save As, for another
example, I can still do so using Alt-key shortcuts.

What I must now do -- at least until I can find a solution, thanks to you
all -- is rely on my mouse and this is hampering my speed and efficiency.

Any thoughts? What is the cause and how do I reacquire use of my keyboard
for this?

Thank you.


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