using an IF function for a total



ok, say I have a fundraising worksheet for a tennis club

* I have 7 columns with in order;

division, cartons, returned cartons, income, cartons, returned cartons,

3 divisions (junior, senior and sjunior) are selling 2 types of

* each row represents a player from the club

Senior 15 15 $30.00 15 15 $75.00
Senior 15 15 $30.00 15 15 $75.00
Senior 15 15 $30.00 15 15 $75.00
Senior 15 14 $28.00 15 12 $60.00
Senior 15 13 $26.00 15 13 $65.00
Senior 15 15 $30.00 15 14 $70.00
Senior 15 13 $26.00 15 15 $75.00
Senior 15 15 $30.00 15 15 $75.00
Junior 10 9 $18.00 10 9 $45.00
Junior 10 10 $20.00 10 10 $50.00
Senior 15 9 $18.00 15 14 $70.00
SJunior 5 5 $10.00 5 5 $25.00
SJunior 5 3 $6.00 5 5 $25.00
Junior 10 10 $20.00 10 13 $65.00
Senior 15 15 $30.00 15 14 $70.00

(income is the returned cartons * carton price @ $2 and $5)

what would the formula be for the total of each division
if the worksheet above is G2:J16




I note that the 7 columns listed does not match the ragne G2:J16 given
at the end. However, the formula below is for the range given and I
assume that ,column 4, the income, is the calculated price x the
returened cartoons.


Senior =SUMIF(G3:G16,"Senior",J3:J16)
Junior =SUMIF(G3:G16,"Junior",J3:J16)
Sjunior =SUMIF(G3:G16,"SJunior",J3:J16)

Good luck

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