Toby Erkson
I'm trying to learn about class modules. John Walkenach's book got me
started but left me wanting for much more.
I created my own class module, MySheet. I want to store the name of each
worksheet in my class module. I want to be able to do the following in a
workbook that has sheets in it:
Sub Example()
Dim objMySheet as MySheet, x as Integer
Set objMySheet = New MySheet
objMySheet.Find 'Populates MySheet with the names of every worksheet
For x = 1 to objMySheet.Count
MsgBox objMySheet(x).Name 'Display a worksheet name
End Sub
What is the code for the class module so I can use the "objMySheet(x)."
style of programming? Also, if you know of any GOOD web sites that go into
detail about creating class modules I'd appreciate it
Toby Erkson
started but left me wanting for much more.
I created my own class module, MySheet. I want to store the name of each
worksheet in my class module. I want to be able to do the following in a
workbook that has sheets in it:
Sub Example()
Dim objMySheet as MySheet, x as Integer
Set objMySheet = New MySheet
objMySheet.Find 'Populates MySheet with the names of every worksheet
For x = 1 to objMySheet.Count
MsgBox objMySheet(x).Name 'Display a worksheet name
End Sub
What is the code for the class module so I can use the "objMySheet(x)."
style of programming? Also, if you know of any GOOD web sites that go into
detail about creating class modules I'd appreciate it
Toby Erkson