I am trying to calculate the average depending on some criteria, i.e
in a data table, I want to calculate the average score for a particula
The data is:
Name1 2.5
Name1 2.5
Name1 3
Name2 2.5
Name2 2.5
Name2 3
//I have defined names as name and score
The formulas (array-entered) that I am using are :
1. { =AVERAGE(IF(name = "Name1",score,0)) }
This is calculating the average for the scores for name1, i.e. 2.5, 2.
and 3 but is treating the rest 3 values as 0; therefore the result i
is showing is 1.33333333, which is the average of 2.5, 2.5, 3, 0, 0
2. When this didnt work, I tried this:
{ =IF(name = "Name1",AVERAGE(score),0) }
but this is calculating the average for all the values and showing th
result as 2.6666667!!
Thanks for any help possible
I am trying to calculate the average depending on some criteria, i.e
in a data table, I want to calculate the average score for a particula
The data is:
Name1 2.5
Name1 2.5
Name1 3
Name2 2.5
Name2 2.5
Name2 3
//I have defined names as name and score
The formulas (array-entered) that I am using are :
1. { =AVERAGE(IF(name = "Name1",score,0)) }
This is calculating the average for the scores for name1, i.e. 2.5, 2.
and 3 but is treating the rest 3 values as 0; therefore the result i
is showing is 1.33333333, which is the average of 2.5, 2.5, 3, 0, 0
2. When this didnt work, I tried this:
{ =IF(name = "Name1",AVERAGE(score),0) }
but this is calculating the average for all the values and showing th
result as 2.6666667!!
Thanks for any help possible