Rob wrote:
Names are not reflected in formula.
Right. But if you TYPE "=Worked_hours * Fee" instead of selecting the cells
it will run. Well, I agree, it's a bit more "manual"... I understand it
would be easier, of course, as it would be more consistent with the way it
usually behaves.
In fact, there's no need to do it the way you do. Simply enter the formula
(selecting the cells) in B3 the usual way. And then copy it down to B7 : it
will run as expected even if you didn't validate it as an array formula:
Select cell B3
start formula with"=" [=]
select A3:A7 [=worked_hours]
type "*" [=worked_hours*]
select B2 [=worked_hours*fee]
press RETURN
drag the little square on the bottom-right end of cell B3 down to B7
(or do it the old copy-paste way - or CTRL-D - if you prefer)
here you are...
You are right. It is only an example. But, working with other people
learning Excel, I noticed that creating a (working) formula is one thing
and reading back (e.g. next week) what you have done - is another thing.
Reading "=sales*profit_margin" makes more sense than "=D23*Sheet2!H7" -
don't you agree?
Certainly. And I do use names quite often for that very reason. But I don't
use the array formulas the way you describe. I think it was necessary to do
so in earlier versions of Excel, and I remember having used it, but it is no
more (under these circumstances) it seems. Or maybe I didn't come across a
situation where it is needed...
I also found that, after applying meaningful names to cells or ranges,
creating formulas is easier to novice Excel users as the names confirm
what the user is doing. If it doesn't say "=sales*profit_margin" in the
formula bar, you know something is going wrong.
Right too.