Using bookmarks to place a picture in word.




I am trying to generate couple of word documents from excel sheet
using a vba code. I am partly successful in that. I have created a word
template with bookmarks. I am replacing book marks with appropriate
data from excel sheet. But I am not able to insert a picture from excel
to one of the bookmarks in word. The code snippet is as below.

Set ToCell = oDoc.Bookmarks("PadHook").Range

With Worksheets("DOC")
.Range("DRAWING_LOC").Copy Destination:=ToCell

End With

This is not working. What am I doing wrong. Thanks in advance for


Word Heretic

G'day "shishi" <[email protected]>,

At a glance I would say you would need to change the destination to
the clipboard.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

shishi reckoned:

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