Using bookmarks to select a record after form requery


I have a continuous form in an ADP linked to a SQL view. The view
contains both ordering and filtering.

The form is designed to display invoice lines... Some items in the
invoice are grouped under a parent, and the parent line denoted by a
field itemParentID, pointing to the primary key of the parent line.
One field on the form is a price. When changing the price on a part
which is from a group, the overall price gets updated, and vice versa.
This happens in a stored procedure.

What I want to happen, is that in the OnExit event for the price text
box, the stored procedure is called, the form is requeried, and then
using a bookmark I want to have the form jump to the parent line for
the group. I have tried various approaches, including:

Dim bkmark As Variant
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone

rs.Find "invoiceLineID = " & itemParentID.value
bkmark = rs.Bookmark


Me.Bookmark = bkmark


Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT invoiceLineID FROM tblInvoices
WHERE itemParentID = " & itemParentID.value)

If Not rs.EOF Then
DoCmd.FindRecord rs("invoiceLineID"), acEntire, ,
End If

None of which I have had much luck with. The form jumps to the top
record when requerying, and nothing seems to happen when using a
bookmark or FindRecord. Any suggestions appreciated.

Allen Browne

The bookmark is only valid while the recordset exists. The Requery destroys
the recordset and reloads it, so the Bookmark does not survive.

Instead, store the primary key value in a record, and FindFirst *after* the

I have a continuous form in an ADP linked to a SQL view. The view
contains both ordering and filtering.

The form is designed to display invoice lines... Some items in the
invoice are grouped under a parent, and the parent line denoted by a
field itemParentID, pointing to the primary key of the parent line.
One field on the form is a price. When changing the price on a part
which is from a group, the overall price gets updated, and vice versa.
This happens in a stored procedure.

What I want to happen, is that in the OnExit event for the price text
box, the stored procedure is called, the form is requeried, and then
using a bookmark I want to have the form jump to the parent line for
the group. I have tried various approaches, including:

Dim bkmark As Variant
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone

rs.Find "invoiceLineID = " & itemParentID.value
bkmark = rs.Bookmark


Me.Bookmark = bkmark


Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT invoiceLineID FROM tblInvoices
WHERE itemParentID = " & itemParentID.value)

If Not rs.EOF Then
DoCmd.FindRecord rs("invoiceLineID"), acEntire, ,
End If

None of which I have had much luck with. The form jumps to the top
record when requerying, and nothing seems to happen when using a
bookmark or FindRecord. Any suggestions appreciated.

Well to answer my own question, was able to get around the problem
with the following code:

Dim curRecord As Integer
curRecord = Me.CurrentRecord


DoCmd.GoToRecord , , , curRecord

Allen Browne

Not ideal, Tom.

You may end up with the wrong record if the form was based on a query that
sorts by something other than an incremental autonumber (e.g. sorting by
company name), and you inserted a record, or if you deleted a record, or if
a filter is applied, or if another user inserted/deleted a record.


I have a continuous form in an ADP linked to a SQL view. The view
contains both ordering and filtering.

The form is designed to display invoice lines... Some items in the
invoice are grouped under a parent, and the parent line denoted by a
field itemParentID, pointing to the primary key of the parent line.
One field on the form is a price. When changing the price on a part
which is from a group, the overall price gets updated, and vice versa.
This happens in a stored procedure.

What I want to happen, is that in the OnExit event for the price text
box, the stored procedure is called, the form is requeried, and then
using a bookmark I want to have the form jump to the parent line for
the group. I have tried various approaches, including:

Dim bkmark As Variant
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone

rs.Find "invoiceLineID = " & itemParentID.value
bkmark = rs.Bookmark


Me.Bookmark = bkmark


Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT invoiceLineID FROM tblInvoices
WHERE itemParentID = " & itemParentID.value)

If Not rs.EOF Then
DoCmd.FindRecord rs("invoiceLineID"), acEntire, ,
End If

None of which I have had much luck with. The form jumps to the top
record when requerying, and nothing seems to happen when using a
bookmark or FindRecord. Any suggestions appreciated.

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