Using Cell Contents to Reference External Workbooks




I have several workbooks named NODE1, NODE2, NODE3, ETC. These
workbooks are generated individually and automatically by another
program. Approximately 1300 files will automatically get generated and
updated on a regular basis. These workbooks have 2 columns each,
MATERIAL and QUANTITY. The MATERIAL column is static and the same in
all workbooks, but the QUANTITY column will change in each workbook. I
want to have a master workbook named BOM that has the same MATERIAL
column and a separate QUANTITY column for each NODE workbook. If I
name the columns in the BOM workbook, MATERIAL, NODE1, NODE2, NODE3,
etc how can I use the column name to reference the external workbook
of the same name? I have tried INDIRECT, but it doesn't seem to allow
me to use file paths as part of the formula. Any advice?

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