Using Code Editor Slows execution speed


Lon Sarnoff

I have noticed lately that with some of my applications whenever I make a
change to code using the Code Editor the execution speed drops tremendously.
If I save the very same changes, and then exit Excel altogether and then
restart Excel, the speed of execution is normal.

I have found one thread dealing with this issue at
Subject: Re: breakpoint affecting the run speed of a macro 12/1/2006.
However, I do not see any response to that issue.

Any ideas?

Lon Sarnoff


You might take a look at the link below. This might offer you an explanation
and a fix. Another way is to save all your modules to text files, delete the
modules, then paste the code back in. That's really all this codecleaner
does. It just does it real quick. This version has a monitor that backs code
changes at save, which I find myself using more and more the older I get,



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