Using color in tables


Terry Hansen

I currently have Word 2002, but I have been using Word
for many years now. In this version of Word, when I go to
format a table, add color to it, the color cuts off on
many of the cells and I cannot fix the problem. The row
is high enough to support the text used, and no matter
what position I put the text in (top, center, bottom) I
get a white line in many of the cells that have color in
them. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem
(other than not using color in my tables)?

Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.

Terry Hansen

Andre, I tried that and it didn't work. We are only using
one color for the table, and only on every other row. I
went to the individual cells and applied the fill the way
you recommended below, and it didn't work. Do you have
any other suggestions?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

This can indicate that the shading has been applied to the paragraph rather
than the cell.

Andre Da Costa

Click in each cell, right click select, borders and shading, go to the
borders and shading tab, and fill with the desired color. This has to be
done individually for each cell. Remember not to highlight a number of cells
if you plan on using different colors for each cell.

Andre Da Costa
Jamaica W.I.

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