Using Column Alias in Pass Through Queries



Using Access 97 to an Oracle 7 back end.

Within a pass through query I use an oracle function thus:
GetAntigen(DRB1X,'DR') as DRxAnt,

If I execute the PTQ in Access, Access will not allow "DRxAnt" as a column
alias name but returns "Expr1018"
However, if I amend the alias name to:
GetAntigen(DRB1X,'DR') as DRxxAnt,
"DRxxAnt" is returned.

I have no other columns in the query that use that alias and I have many
other alias' that are returned OK

If I run the Pass Through Query in Oracle the alias name is returned
If I use a query that is the Access equivalent of the Pass Through SQL the
alias name is returned.

Any ideas why "DRxAnt" isn't acceptable?

Van T. Dinh

If you run the SQL String in Oracle directly, NOT as a PTQ from Access, is
the Alias "DRxAnt" OK in Oracle?

The problem may be in the Oracle ODBC driver?



Thanks for the quick Reply.
I've discovered a typo and have corrected the issue.
Thanks for looking.


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