Rachel Garrett
I created a form from a query, and I would like users to be able to
select the key field from a combo box in order to find the record they
want to edit. I went into the "Properties" of the column in Query
Design view.
Field Properties >> Lookup >> Display Control >> Combo box
Field Properties >> Lookup >> Row Source Type >> Table/query
Field Properties >> Lookup >> Row Source >> [name of the query]
I also tried having the Row Source be the name of the table that the
query is originally pulling from.
When I get to the form, I do now have a drop-down list of the keys for
all the records in a query. The form is editable. But when I try to
select a different key from the combo box, I get the message "Field
cannot be updated."
What properties do I need to set so that users can have a combo box to
navigate to the record they want?
Thank you,
select the key field from a combo box in order to find the record they
want to edit. I went into the "Properties" of the column in Query
Design view.
Field Properties >> Lookup >> Display Control >> Combo box
Field Properties >> Lookup >> Row Source Type >> Table/query
Field Properties >> Lookup >> Row Source >> [name of the query]
I also tried having the Row Source be the name of the table that the
query is originally pulling from.
When I get to the form, I do now have a drop-down list of the keys for
all the records in a query. The form is editable. But when I try to
select a different key from the combo box, I get the message "Field
cannot be updated."
What properties do I need to set so that users can have a combo box to
navigate to the record they want?
Thank you,