I'm trying to create a program in excel that takes information from
one sheet and stores it in another. I am having some difficulties with
the code for doing so as I am new to vb.
Anyways, I have a workbook with two sheets, Menu and Manifest. In the
sheet I want users to enter a Customer ID(txtCUSTID) and
Invoice#(txtInvnum) into two different text boxes respectively. Once
this has been done, there will be a print label button that when
clicked will print a shipping label for the customer that includes the
Customer ID, Customer Address, and Invoice#; and this button will also
store the invoice # in the second sheet(manifest).
The second sheet(manifest) will have 7 columns. Customer ID, Customer
Name, Customer Address, City, Postal Code, Number of Invoices, and
Invoice Number. I have a set list of customers, so I'm not worried
about adding new customers yet. Therefore, the only columns that will
be modified are Number of Invoices and Invoice Number. So, what I want
the program to do is when a user enters a Customer ID and Invoice
number into text boxes on the menu sheet:
1. Print a label with Customer ID, Customer Name, Address, Postal
and Invoice Number.
2. Store the invoice in the Invoice Number column. Note: Each
Customer ID
has a)No Invoice Numbers, b) One Invoice Number, or c) Multiple
Invoice Numbers.
3. Recalculate Number of Invoices located in a customers Invoice
Here is what the sheets would look like:
Menu Sheet
lblCustID txtCustID
lblInvNum txtInvNum
btnPrintLabel btnClearManifest btnPrintManifest
Manifest Sheet
CUSTID CustomerName Address PostalCode NumberOfInv InvoiceNum
Cust1 CustName1 CustAdd1 123456 1 1234
Cust2 CustName2 CustAdd2 345987 2 2345
Cust3 CustName3 CustAdd3 987623 3 1334
Cust4 CustName4 CustAdd4 76544 1 7654
Cust5 CustName1 CustAdd1 123456 0 Empty
Also, everyday the manifest will be cleared, which only clears
columns: Number of Invoices and Invoice Numbers. Everything else stays
as is. So, Invoice numbers are never overwritten, just cleared at the
end of the day after teh manifest has been printed.
Thanks in advance for your help. I hope I was descriptive enough.
I'm trying to create a program in excel that takes information from
one sheet and stores it in another. I am having some difficulties with
the code for doing so as I am new to vb.
Anyways, I have a workbook with two sheets, Menu and Manifest. In the
sheet I want users to enter a Customer ID(txtCUSTID) and
Invoice#(txtInvnum) into two different text boxes respectively. Once
this has been done, there will be a print label button that when
clicked will print a shipping label for the customer that includes the
Customer ID, Customer Address, and Invoice#; and this button will also
store the invoice # in the second sheet(manifest).
The second sheet(manifest) will have 7 columns. Customer ID, Customer
Name, Customer Address, City, Postal Code, Number of Invoices, and
Invoice Number. I have a set list of customers, so I'm not worried
about adding new customers yet. Therefore, the only columns that will
be modified are Number of Invoices and Invoice Number. So, what I want
the program to do is when a user enters a Customer ID and Invoice
number into text boxes on the menu sheet:
1. Print a label with Customer ID, Customer Name, Address, Postal
and Invoice Number.
2. Store the invoice in the Invoice Number column. Note: Each
Customer ID
has a)No Invoice Numbers, b) One Invoice Number, or c) Multiple
Invoice Numbers.
3. Recalculate Number of Invoices located in a customers Invoice
Here is what the sheets would look like:
Menu Sheet
lblCustID txtCustID
lblInvNum txtInvNum
btnPrintLabel btnClearManifest btnPrintManifest
Manifest Sheet
CUSTID CustomerName Address PostalCode NumberOfInv InvoiceNum
Cust1 CustName1 CustAdd1 123456 1 1234
Cust2 CustName2 CustAdd2 345987 2 2345
Cust3 CustName3 CustAdd3 987623 3 1334
Cust4 CustName4 CustAdd4 76544 1 7654
Cust5 CustName1 CustAdd1 123456 0 Empty
Also, everyday the manifest will be cleared, which only clears
columns: Number of Invoices and Invoice Numbers. Everything else stays
as is. So, Invoice numbers are never overwritten, just cleared at the
end of the day after teh manifest has been printed.
Thanks in advance for your help. I hope I was descriptive enough.