Stapes said:
I am running Access 2007 on my Laptop. I usually use ctrl-Break to
halt the execution of code when debugging MS Access programs, but it
does not work on my laptop. The laptop is an Acer TravelMate 2490
running Windows XP. Does anyone have any idea how to make this
essntial function work?
This is going to be on a "case by case" situation in which each computer has
different keyboard.
on my laptop, the break key is in "blue" color,and there is a "fn" (function
key) on the lower left of the keyboard When I "hold down" the fn key, then
the top row of keys on my keyboard do function, Some launch a web page, some
put the computer to sleep, some adjust the screen brightness etc. And there
is one for prt sc (print screen), and one called "break".
So, to do a ctrl-break, I have to go
hold down the ctrl key
then hold down the "fn" key
then while holding down both of the above...I can then hit the key with the
markings "break" in blue.and it will work....
So, there is usually some key that is like shift, alt, control...and now you
have another one called "fn" or some such to get at even more additional
functions crammed into the limited keys on notebook....
At the end of the day, it a wild guess on my have to check your
owners manual how to get those extra keys to work, but it usually much as
per above....