I've a project published over PWA. In Project Center, I want to view all the
tasks which start between 1st June to 30th June. For this I applied a custom
filter specifying
"Start" - "Greater than or equal to" - "6/1/2006" AND
"Start" - "Less than or equal to" - "6/30/2006"
But this filter doesn't work, instead it shows me all tasks greater than
"6/1/2006" and all tasks less than "6/30/2006".
I've tried other options too but can't seem to get through. Any ideas on this?
I've a project published over PWA. In Project Center, I want to view all the
tasks which start between 1st June to 30th June. For this I applied a custom
filter specifying
"Start" - "Greater than or equal to" - "6/1/2006" AND
"Start" - "Less than or equal to" - "6/30/2006"
But this filter doesn't work, instead it shows me all tasks greater than
"6/1/2006" and all tasks less than "6/30/2006".
I've tried other options too but can't seem to get through. Any ideas on this?