I am using Date as one of the fields in a Access table. Now when I am tring
to run a update query (UPDATE tblExpense SET Date ='03/15/2005',
contractedServiceExpense='15', travelexpense='20', pesonnelexpense='5' WHERE
tranid='2') , I am getting an error with a highlight on Date. I do no know
why this is happening. I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks. Regards.
I am using Date as one of the fields in a Access table. Now when I am tring
to run a update query (UPDATE tblExpense SET Date ='03/15/2005',
contractedServiceExpense='15', travelexpense='20', pesonnelexpense='5' WHERE
tranid='2') , I am getting an error with a highlight on Date. I do no know
why this is happening. I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks. Regards.