I don't mean to sound negative here but what's the point in taking a product
designed to calculate a plan for future events and use it to merely
something that has already taken place? As my old physics professor would
call it, you're definitely hunting flies with an elephant gun. If the
purpose is to create a Gantt chart, etc, to illustrate historical events, it
would be far simpler to use a business graphics tool like Visio instead.
It's not just the valid date range issue - Project's handling of durations
etc can make it a real headache to get it to draw everything just the way
you want it to look.
Steve House [Project MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs
Brian said:
I'd like to use MS Project to describe a project that took place prior to
1984. Is there any way to override the default date range? When you
enter a
task start date prior to 1/1/1984, you get an "Invalid date" error