using digital photos in PP




I'm not familiar with powerpoint, but my friend uses PP to give talks and
lectures to groups of 100 to 200 people. He wants to use some of my digital
photos to spruce up his presentation, but he is a bit technically-challenged
and doesn't know what form I should submit them in.

I have a group of photos shot with Nikon cameras, some 12 Megapixel, some 6
Megapixel. The file sizes range from 2000x3000 pixels to 2800x4300 pixels.

My question is, what display resolution (and JPG quality) can powerpoint
use? Will higher-quality photos produce a better image on the projector
screen? Or is this dependant on the actual pixel-resolution of the
projecter that is used for the PP presentation?

thanks for any comments or advice...


TAJ Simmons


Generally - if you (or friend) are projecting the images... then you should
aim for the same resolution

If projector is 4000x2000 - then make images 4000x2000

I've never come across a projector that does 4000x2000..... so stick to the
most common resolutions....

see powerpoint tutorial on this very subject (forget dpi - think pixels)

TAJ Simmons
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