Using double deadlines



Is it correct to use seperate deadlines for subtasks where the summary task
is the deadline to the customer?

Jim Aksel

That would not be incorrect. What defines "correct" is the scheduling
policies in place for your program. So, you can place a deadling on a
summary task. The subordinate discrete tasks may have their own deadlines
but thatm might pollute a good view of the critical path.

Personally, I would have a milestone: Deliver to Customer and put a
deadliine on that rather than a summary.
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Kimberly said:
Is it correct to use seperate deadlines for subtasks where the summary task
is the deadline to the customer?

What do you mean by deadlines here? I would have a planned completion
date by which the deliverable should be completed and that is
effectively the deadline for the team. I would then have a declared
delivery date some time after that. The intervening period I would use
as contingency.

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