Hi All,
Have trawled the posts and I guess I'm missing something. This is the
code I'm running...
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim strConn As String
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
strConn = "Driver={SQL
With cnn
.Open strConn
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
'Get the total Quantity sold in that period
strSQL = "SELECT sum(c.QTY)"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM acocmp1.currsale c WHERE (c.STKCODE Not In
strSQL = strSQL & " and c.trandate between '" & VarStartDate & "' and
'" & varEndDate & "'"
strSQL = strSQL & " and c.stkcode = '" & StockCode.Value & "'"
TotalQuantity = cnn.Execute(strSQL)
MsgBox ("Total Quantity = " & TotalQuantity)
This gives run time error 450 - wrong number of arguments or invalid
property assignment against the msgbox(totalquantity) line
This sits within the click event of a button. I've used message boxes
to make sure that the variables in the query are populated and that
the query returns a result if you run it in query analyser.
To be honest this is my first attempt at VBA - although I use vbscript
quite a bit to automate admin tasks...
I'm guessing that I've misunderstand how to run the query or how to
manipulate the response...
If anyone can help that would be incredible...
Have trawled the posts and I guess I'm missing something. This is the
code I'm running...
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim strConn As String
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
strConn = "Driver={SQL
With cnn
.Open strConn
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
'Get the total Quantity sold in that period
strSQL = "SELECT sum(c.QTY)"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM acocmp1.currsale c WHERE (c.STKCODE Not In
strSQL = strSQL & " and c.trandate between '" & VarStartDate & "' and
'" & varEndDate & "'"
strSQL = strSQL & " and c.stkcode = '" & StockCode.Value & "'"
TotalQuantity = cnn.Execute(strSQL)
MsgBox ("Total Quantity = " & TotalQuantity)
This gives run time error 450 - wrong number of arguments or invalid
property assignment against the msgbox(totalquantity) line
This sits within the click event of a button. I've used message boxes
to make sure that the variables in the query are populated and that
the query returns a result if you run it in query analyser.
To be honest this is my first attempt at VBA - although I use vbscript
quite a bit to automate admin tasks...
I'm guessing that I've misunderstand how to run the query or how to
manipulate the response...
If anyone can help that would be incredible...