Using e-mail addresses in Access



I have accumulated 143 e-mail addresses in an Access 2000
database. Now I want to send an e-mail message to those
addresses. How can I get the addresses from Access to the
BCC line of an e-mail form?

Arvin Meyer

Abigail said:
I have accumulated 143 e-mail addresses in an Access 2000
database. Now I want to send an e-mail message to those
addresses. How can I get the addresses from Access to the
BCC line of an e-mail form?

Abigail, this code is free unless you use it to spam. If used for unsolicted
commercial email, you must pay me $100 per each email sent!

Function EmailBrokers(strTo As String, strSubject _
As String, Optional varMsg As Variant, Optional varPath As String =
' © Arvin Meyer 1997 - 2003 Free unless used for spam.
' Copyright notice to be left in tact

'Set reference to Outlook
On Error GoTo Errhandler
Dim strBCC As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim objOutl As Outlook.Application
Dim objEml As Outlook.MailItem
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSource As String

Set db = CurrentDb

Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset("YourQryName")

Set objOutl = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set objEml = objOutl.createItem(olMailitem)

With rst
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
End If
End With

For i = 1 To rst.RecordCount
If Len(rst!EmailAddress) > 0 Then
strBCC = strBCC & rst!EmailAddress & ";"
End If
Next i
strBCC = Left$(strBCC, Len(strBCC) - 1)

'Debug.Print strBCC

With objEml
.To = strTo
.BCC = strBCC
.Subject = strSubject

If Not IsNull(varMsg) Then
.Body = varMsg
End If

If Len(varPath & vbNullString) > 0 Then
.Attachments.Add varPath
End If

' .Send ' uncomment to send automatically.
End With

Set objOutl = Nothing
Set objEml = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume ExitHere

End Function

Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:


Thank you for the code, but what do I do with it? Where do I input it?


----- Arvin Meyer wrote: -----

Abigail said:
I have accumulated 143 e-mail addresses in an Access 2000
database. Now I want to send an e-mail message to those
addresses. How can I get the addresses from Access to the
BCC line of an e-mail form?

Abigail, this code is free unless you use it to spam. If used for unsolicted
commercial email, you must pay me $100 per each email sent!

Function EmailBrokers(strTo As String, strSubject _
As String, Optional varMsg As Variant, Optional varPath As String =
' © Arvin Meyer 1997 - 2003 Free unless used for spam.
' Copyright notice to be left in tact

'Set reference to Outlook
On Error GoTo Errhandler
Dim strBCC As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim objOutl As Outlook.Application
Dim objEml As Outlook.MailItem
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSource As String

Set db = CurrentDb

Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset("YourQryName")

Set objOutl = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set objEml = objOutl.createItem(olMailitem)

With rst
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
End If
End With

For i = 1 To rst.RecordCount
If Len(rst!EmailAddress) > 0 Then
strBCC = strBCC & rst!EmailAddress & ";"
End If
Next i
strBCC = Left$(strBCC, Len(strBCC) - 1)

'Debug.Print strBCC

With objEml
.To = strTo
.BCC = strBCC
.Subject = strSubject

If Not IsNull(varMsg) Then
.Body = varMsg
End If

If Len(varPath & vbNullString) > 0 Then
.Attachments.Add varPath
End If

' .Send ' uncomment to send automatically.
End With

Set objOutl = Nothing
Set objEml = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume ExitHere

End Function

Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

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