Alex St-Pierre
My goal is to convert to a text a specific column which contain title "SSN".
If the column "A" is SSN column, I could use:
Columns("A:A").TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1") works if the column
"A" is SSN. Since, I don't know what is the column, I would like to say:
1- What is the column which contain "SSN" title on line 2 (like
2- Convert this column number in text (Example: convert column "4" to "D"
3- After that, I could use fonction Columns("D
Destination:=Range("D1") with D variable.
If somebody have a simpler solution, plz, let me know
Thank you,
Alex St-Pierre
My goal is to convert to a text a specific column which contain title "SSN".
If the column "A" is SSN column, I could use:
Columns("A:A").TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1") works if the column
"A" is SSN. Since, I don't know what is the column, I would like to say:
1- What is the column which contain "SSN" title on line 2 (like
2- Convert this column number in text (Example: convert column "4" to "D"
3- After that, I could use fonction Columns("D
Destination:=Range("D1") with D variable.
If somebody have a simpler solution, plz, let me know
Thank you,
Alex St-Pierre