Using Excel Add ins with visual basic



I tried to record keystrokes because I had no idea how to access an
excel addin that is already installed and usable. On the menu, its on
the "Data" menu, and then "Transfer to iSeries Request".

If you do that manually without visual basic, then a form will pop up
where you select a button or two, then you need to be able to click
the "browse" button and navigate to and select an already saved
"Transfer Request", and then I need to select "ok" once I've selected
"open" for the particular transfer request.

Also, I need to be able to handle more possible error dialog boxes
that may or may not pop up depending on whether or not the transfer
requests has any errors once it is submitted.

Once I select "ok" from the dialog box, a separate windows application
handes the Iseries Transfer Request.

I can do this the old fashioned way where I extract highlighted data
to another XLS, and then go into the iseries transfer program and do
it from there. However, I wanted to do in Excel, because we can
already do that manually from Excel and it saves time that way.

Can anyone get me started on what I need to do?


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