Using Excel OS 9 to connect to a WAN data source



Hi All

Sorry for the cross-post, but I'm in a real pickle.

Basically I have Excel/Query 98 running on a Mac OS 9 machine with
Microsoft's Merant ODBC 3.5.1 software patch as the ODBC connectivity

If I try to connect the above locally (ie using the LAN) to an SQL 2000 DB
on my Win2000/SQL 2000 server, Excel/Query connects in seconds after I enter
the password and shows me the Query layout from which I can pick my tables.

However if I go into my ODBC DSN and change the Server Name and Server
Address to the WAN ip of my Win2000/SQL 2000 server, Excel/Query seems to
freeze for about 30 seconds after I type my username and password in then
brings up the ODBC DSN window without my DSN name or Server address, as if
to say type these in again. I type them in again, click OK and after about
30 seconds it just seems to give up and leave the Query menubar visible as
if to say create a new query.

The WAN daisy chain is basically as follows:

Mac's ODBC DSN has the WAN IP for the Server Name and Server Address with
the latter also having ',1433' (without the quotes) after it.

The above entered WAN IP is the static IP to my NAT box.

I haev set up port forwarding/virtual serving to pass port 1433 (public and
private) to the LAN IP of my Win2000/SQL 2000 server.

We haev 2 different ADSL routers (1 satellite SLOW and 1 copper wires) so
that I can go out on the satellite one (although slow) and connect/'come
back in' on the copper wires one.

I undestand that it just wouldn't work if I tried to go out and come back in
on the same ADSL router so I can eliminate this.

To try and find out where the problem is, I set up a WinXP machine and it's
own data source and that works fine with basically the same setup as I hae
explained above.

Is it a confirmed problem with the ODBC software, ie it can't handle WAN

How can I get round it?



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