Hi All,
I am trying to use Excel to create a live report (linked via MS Query or
similar) that shows how much a project is worth over a set of months and
then to also show if the task moves, what the change to the monthly costs
are, i.e. it moves from being a task starting in October and finishing in
December task to moving to January and finishing in March.
I can create a view in Data Analysis, as below (hope the formatting works!)
but this is not 'live' i.e. updated periodically via the cube building
service, and if you do export to Excel, this is it seems a read only view.
What I cant find in the database (Reporting or Published) is any indication
which shows cost allocation in a particular period, i.e. month, so I can
recreate this view in Excel. It just seems there's no time 'dimension'
stored, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place....
Any help appreciated!
Cost Year Quarter Month 2008 2008 Total
Quarter3 Q3 Total Quarter4 Q4 TotalProject
Name Aug Sept Oct Nov DecProject
1 3000 2000 5000 3000 2000 2000 7000 12000
Project 2 1236 1251 2487 1236 1251 1251 3738 6225
Project 3 2132 151 2283 2132 151 151 2434 4717
Project 4 1351 3512 4863 1351 3512 3512 8375 13238
Project 5 9623 2123 11746 9623 2123 2123 13869 25615
Project 6 2626 151 2777 2626 151 151 2928 5705
Project 7 23512 12123 35635 23512 12123 12123 47758 83393
Project 8 1351 1544 2895 1351 1544 1544 4439 7334
Project 9 1356 2658 4014 1356 2658 2658 6672 10686
Project 10 1354 1351 2705 1354 1351 1351 4056 6761
Project 11 13514 5445 18959 13514 5445 5445 24404 43363
Grand Total 61055 32309 93364 6836 32309 32309 125673 219037
I am trying to use Excel to create a live report (linked via MS Query or
similar) that shows how much a project is worth over a set of months and
then to also show if the task moves, what the change to the monthly costs
are, i.e. it moves from being a task starting in October and finishing in
December task to moving to January and finishing in March.
I can create a view in Data Analysis, as below (hope the formatting works!)
but this is not 'live' i.e. updated periodically via the cube building
service, and if you do export to Excel, this is it seems a read only view.
What I cant find in the database (Reporting or Published) is any indication
which shows cost allocation in a particular period, i.e. month, so I can
recreate this view in Excel. It just seems there's no time 'dimension'
stored, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place....
Any help appreciated!
Cost Year Quarter Month 2008 2008 Total
Quarter3 Q3 Total Quarter4 Q4 TotalProject
Name Aug Sept Oct Nov DecProject
1 3000 2000 5000 3000 2000 2000 7000 12000
Project 2 1236 1251 2487 1236 1251 1251 3738 6225
Project 3 2132 151 2283 2132 151 151 2434 4717
Project 4 1351 3512 4863 1351 3512 3512 8375 13238
Project 5 9623 2123 11746 9623 2123 2123 13869 25615
Project 6 2626 151 2777 2626 151 151 2928 5705
Project 7 23512 12123 35635 23512 12123 12123 47758 83393
Project 8 1351 1544 2895 1351 1544 1544 4439 7334
Project 9 1356 2658 4014 1356 2658 2658 6672 10686
Project 10 1354 1351 2705 1354 1351 1351 4056 6761
Project 11 13514 5445 18959 13514 5445 5445 24404 43363
Grand Total 61055 32309 93364 6836 32309 32309 125673 219037